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Chin speaks on 1 Peter 4:7-5:14. He looks at the return of Christ, and living in light of this., Cassette label reads : "No other name Stand firm as God's refugees 1 Peter 4:7-5:14 3/12/03 Richard Chin 030110 AFES NTE" Box label reads : "AFES NTE No other name A series of talks by Michael Raiter and Ricard Chin" Poor sound quality.


Chin speaks on 1 Peter 1:13-2:12. He looks at how to live as followers of Christ when the world is not our home, including being holy, loving our enemies and one another., Cassette label reads : "No other name Living accordingly as God's refugees 1 Peter 1:13-2:12 3/12/03 Richard Chin 030108 AFES NTE" Box label reads : "AFES NTE No other name A series of talks by Michael Raiter and Ricard Chin" Poor sound quality.


Palmer looks at the importance of Jesus coming again, as this is what makes Jesus Lord. He looks at the reminders Peter gives in 2 Peter 3:1-18 : 1. Know your facts - judgement is coming 2. Know your God - he will come like a thief in the night 3. Know your people Palmer looks at what it means to live a holy and godly life, including busying ourselves with sharing the gospel., Cassette label reads : "Hugh Palmer 2 Peter 3:1-18 What a difference a day makes 98089 AFES - NTE 12/98" Box label reads : "Focus tapes Forward to the day 2 Peter Hugh Palmer AFES National Training Event December 1998"


Palmer looks at the negatives of those who are distorting the gospel, including God's lack of willingness to spare false teachers just as he didn't spare angels or people at the time of the flood. He explores other examples in 2 Peter where the ungodly are judged, and that this disgusts God. Palmer explores the reasons false teachers deny Jesus as their Soverign Lord or Despot. Palmer explores the original context of the Old Testament references in 2 Peter 2:1-22 to show God's ability to save and Jesus' Lordship., Cassette label reads : "Hugh Palmer 2 Peter 2:1-22 Thank God, he's tolerant 98088 AFES - NTE 12/98" Box label reads : "Focus tapes Forward to the day 2 Peter Hugh Palmer AFES National Training Event December 1998"


Dowsett speaks on 2 Peter 1. He explores the significance of Peter's name 'Rocky'. He explains that we are constantly experiencing God's grace. Dowsett looks at how to be effective and fruitful Christians, and that it is hard because we are fallen. Dowsett explains that God has given us the power that we need, not what we want. He explores the many areas of Christian life where we need God's power, and that the Christian life is not easy. Dowsett stresses the need to love others, and the need to constantly learn self-control., Cassette label reads : "Bible study 1 2 Peter 1A 1991 KYC Dick Dowsett Side A & B Tape 470", 1991 Katoomba Youth Convention


Speaker focues on Jesus having given his life for us as individuals in comparison to the crossing of the Red Sea. He stresses that our greatest obstacle is that we try to do everything ourself instead of doing things God's way. Speaker shows that we each have a part to play, and that the whole body is damaged if one of us is hurt. He examines the godliness required for those who do the back-end work. Speaker explores the temptation of compromise., Cassette insert reads : "St Andrews Parish Houseparty 1976 Session 2" Cassette insert adds : "Sessions 1 and 2"


Tomson looks at what it means to be Spirit-filled people, according to Romans 8:1-17 1. Spirit people are free in Christ from sin's penalty and power 2. Spirit people have a spirit minset 3. Spirit people are children of God who kill their old ways


Speaker expounds Habakkuk 2. He looks at the importance of faith. 1. The character of faith 2. The reward of faith 3. The assurance of faith, No reel information relating to side B


Reid traces God's mission throughout the Old Testament. He then provides a more detailed breakdown of Acts, in comparison to the culture of the Old Testament. Reid explains what Paul means to be in Corinth as a 'master-builder' when sharing the gospel. He explores the corporate nature of ministry., Cassette label reads : "lunchtime study Reid 3 ACTS Mission"


Reid shares his experiences growing in the faith within his own family as a child. He explores the challenges of married life, including learning to live together. Reid shows that following this is finding joy in becoming friends and being together as we change together. He explores what it means to always take trouble to save trouble, and that both the man and woman are responsible to Christ in the relationship, including teaching their children the truths about God. Reid explores how they put this into practise in their family., Cassette label reads : "Talk 4"


Reid recaps Chapman's talk on power in Acts. He explores the suffering Paul and the other Apostles faced, and why this is significant. Reid shows that the Christian life is a not easy., Cassette label reads : "Reid Acts 20/1/75"


Reid recaps the previous talk in the series. He explores the connection between love and commitment, from Genesis 2:24. Reid stresses the permanence of marriage, but also the commitment, unity and diversity should be in both marriages and in church congregations/relationships. He explores how disunity can occur in relationships., Cassette label reads : "Talk 3 Christian family"


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