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Cook speaks on the dangers of religion - or works, and the danger of temple theology. Discussion of what the words 'Christian' and 'church' means. Detailed dicussion of the church as the building of God. Cook speaks to how the gospel can not be changed, and thus must be unashamedly proclaimed. He challenges his listeners to consider what type of building they are when Christ dwells in them. Cook shows how Jesus is the master builder of the church., Cassette label reads : "CC9102 David Cook Ephesians 2:20-22 The building of God CCYC 1991"


Cook stresses the importance of being committed to the local church if one is committed to Christ. He shows how we are priests, offering ourselves to God. Cook shows from Philippians how believers should focus on other people., Cassette label reads : "CC9104 David Cook Philippians 2:12-30 Three examples of devotion to the church CCYC 1991"


Cook looks at living life remembering that Jesus is returning, and that this is wise. Cook looks at the image of the vine, and that walking in love is the fruit of the vine. He shows that God uses the Bible to prune us. Cook explores our relationship with suffering, and that God works through all our circumstances to make us more like Christ and to repentance. He streses the importance of being obedient, so as to remain in the vine, and that this shows in loving and serving people., Cassette label reads : "CC9101 David Cook John 15:1-11 The church - branches of Jesus Christ CCYC 1991"


Kuhn and Grimmond explore secular community, how this is seeping into church community. Kyhn explores what a community is, and that Christian community is unique because it is bound by Christ. Grimmond argues that you cannot have Christ without community, because we are all part of the body. He explores what this means in practise, especially appreciating the others in church. Some discussion of having a mixed group rather than specific demographics.


Fiocco stresses that the church is full of imperfect people. He explores being generous with the resources that God has given us, using the ancient church as a model. He explores the judgement on Ananias and Sapphira, comparing it to the book of Joshua. Fiocco givse examples of present-day hypocrites, but gives thanks that people didn't strike down people today as he did before, and that God is changing us to make us more like Jesus in this area., Cassette label reads : "Dom Fiocco 'The church is full hypocrites' 16 Apr 200 7.15pm service (40mins) Acts 4v32-5v11 and Joshua 6:27-7:26" Box label reads : "Acts 1-5:11 Dom Fiocco Mar/Apr 00"


Fiocco explores what it means for God to be th church, and to encounter the presence of God. Fiocco explores what it meant to have enemies for the Ancient Israelites, how were enemies with God, and how God has made peace with us. He provides some reflections on what the church should be, both as a body, and as individuals. Fiocco reminds his listeners that God is already dwelling with them by his spirit, and that this should affect the way they treat one another., Cassette label reads : "Dom Fiocco 30-1-00 PM 'Church and the presence of God' Box label reads : "The church - The purposes of God D. McD - The passion of God MR Jan 2000 - The presence of God DF


Tucker speaks on the importance of marriage, including how it should reflect Christ and the church. Tucker explores which came first - church or marriage, but reminds his listeners that marriage is always temporary. Tucker explores Adam and Eve as sinners, and Adam's responsibility in sin. Tucker speaks on what love really looks like, as modelled by Christ. Talk is followed by questions.


Tucker explores the way we see time as linear, that we have this idea of progress, and that this came with Christianity because we are heading towards the return of Christ. He explores some of the passages that people find challenging, especially around women and submission. Tucker examines how the fall brought in a power struggle and how Eve's role was damaged by the fall.


Chin and Litchfield provide their personal backgrounds. They look at : All members of Christ's body are unique and essential Women face unique issues As Christians we relate as family Men, be like women


Thompson speaks on Peter's revelation the Jesus is the Christ from Matthew 16:13-28. He reminds the audience that it is Jesus who is building his church, whether or not we see results., Delivered during the 2020 covid pandemic.


Reeves explores how it is possible to enter God's throne room, because Jesus has died for us. He encourages his listeners not to be over run with guilt, but instead to draw near to God and to hold on to the hope held out by God. Reeves explains the importance of gathering together. He shows how terrible it is to walk away from God. Reeves explores how early believers responded to persecution and the confidence they had in the gospel. Reeves explores finishing with enthusiasm., Cassette label reads "Into the light Hebrews 10:19-39 Marcus Reeves 26 May 2002 5pm"


Reeves explains that nothing is too big to stop Christ building his church, including death. He details Jesus' passion for his church, including the people that he calls, and the length that he goes to build his church. Reeves shows that the church is of great value to God., Cassette label reads : "Marcus Reeves 23-1-00 AM' Church and the passion of God" Box label reads : "The church - The purposes of God D. McD - The passion of God MR Jan 2000 - The presence of God DF


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