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12 pages ; 24 cm.


Hand-drawn chart of the Diocese of Goulburn and the chronological division of its districts and parishes., Digitised from a glass lantern slide.


Samoan church - exterior., Digitised from a glass lantern slide.


Photograph of printed photograph with caption: "The unveiling of the Marsden Cross by His Excellency Lord Plunket, Governor of New Zealand, on the 12th of March 1907"., Digitised from a glass lantern slide.


Tongan church, with Queen and Chaplain., Digitised from a glass lantern slide.


Note inside front cover by Alan Cole, who received them from R.B. Robinson when he entered College in 1932. Received September 1988 from Rev Reg Langshaw.


Why do I believe in God? By Peter Jensen, A super-sized conversation - on an advertsing campaign on billboards run by muslims and the Christian response, Seeking true gospel growth by Ivan Lee - on the things that can hinder gospel growth, Taking the gospel to a new nation - on theological training needed in South Sudan, Generation Y for Jesus - on changing outreach techniques to reach Generation Y, Voldemort and lightning - on whether concerns around Harry Potter are justified, Burden or beacon? by Brian Rosner - on the relevance of the law to contemporary Christians, Take off the Western glasses by John Menear - on Christianity in China, Richards ready to serve - on the return of the Richard from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Smells like toddler spirit by Jenni Stoddart - on discipling toddlers and small children, 2011-07-01/2011-07-31


A sermon from 1 Corinthians 2:12-13, on the endurance of the church throughout history.


Speaker explores the first 100 years of St Peter's Church East Sydney. He looks at how the world has changed in that 100 years., Reel label reads : "St Peter's church, east Sydney The Centenary service Sunday 5-11-1967"


Speaker sends thanks to those participating in the service of the Centenary service of St Peters East Sydney. Reads out letters from people to the church, including Marcus Loane, and Abp Michael of Canterbury. Congregation sings 'Praise to the Lord' (Doxology).


Adamopoulu speaks on church history throughout Europe, and how this led to orthodox spirituality. This includes the relationship between church and state., Cassette label reads : "Contemporary alternatives of spirituality orthodox - Br. T. Adamopoulu - 28.9.92 Robert Menzies College of Christian studies" Beginning of talk is missing. Sound quality is poor


First speaker talks about their experiences in China in the 1950s and 1969. Andrews is then introduced, and recounts her experiences in China.

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