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Corbett-Jones presents stats on divorce rates in Australia. He shows how painful it is when one partner in a couple is seeking change and the other is not willing to help in the change. Corbett-Jones explores the issues that cause relationships to break down. He then explores the effects of divorce on children, and how people transfer the rejection from earthly fathers to God, and to future partners. Talk is followed by questions., Cassette label reads : "Divorce and the family Michael Corbett-Jones 14.9.94 Robert Menzies College School of Christian Studies"


Chin defines faith. He looks at the promises to Abraham, and what it means for God to be our father. Chin looks at how Israel broke faith with God. Chin looks at divorce and provides biblical teaching on this topic. He explores marriage as a shadow of Christ and the church and how Christ has died as our husband. Chin presents 6 points on what to look for when looking for a partner, both in yourself and in the other person., "Cassette label reads : ""Richard Chin Malachi 2:8-15 The Faithful God AFES - NTE 6/12/99"" Box label reads : ""Focus tapes Christ among the gods AFES National Training Event 1999 Phillip Jensen and Richard Chin 5/12/1999 - 8/12/1999"""


Nagel speaks on the values of God's Kingdom from Matthew 19:1-30, including marriage vs divorce, generosity vs wealth, and leadership vs submission., Cassette label reads : "Kerry Nagel The Astonishing Kingdom Matthew 19:1-30 97105 AFES NTE 1997" Box label reads : "Focus tapes The Challenge of Christ Kerry Nagel AFES National Training Event December 1997 Five Talks on Matthew's Gospel by Kerry Nagel"


Thompson speaks on how hard it is for believers to come to agreement on divorce, and that we have not been gracious towards divorcees. He shows that God's design is for marriage, and it's implication for relationships. Thompson explores divorce in the ancient world. He expounds various passages relating to marriage and divorce.


Jensen explores why we find it hard to reach divorcees. He shows that there are challenges in the academia. Jensen explores the instructions in the Bible relating to marriage and divorce from 1 Corinthians. He warns against asking questions looking for loopholes in the style of the Pharisees. Jensen explains why we often disagree on the subject of divorce.


Fiocco surveys passages that address marriage and divorce, and the way each are viewed. He places Matthew 5 in it's historical context, and then expounds the passage. Fiocco compares Jesus' view of marriage to that of the Pharasees. Discussion of the word Pornea - it's meaning and usage. Fiocco then explores the application of this passage for his church, with specially attention given to divorce. He encourages his listeners to only enter into marriage if they are committed, but is very sensitive to the various positions in life that his congregation may be in., Cassette label reads: "Building integrity in marriage Matthew 5:31-32 Dom Fiocco 18 Aug 2002"


Thompson speaks on the motivations of the Pharisees to trap Jesus from Matthew 19:1-12. He addresses the topic of divorce. Thompson then explores the reasons people forego marriage., Delivered during the 2021 covid pandemic.


Jensen speaks on the effects of divorce. He looks at divorce in the ancient world, and that the Christmas account starts a divorce. Jensen looks at what it is about the coming of Jesus that gives it hope.


Thompson speaks on divorce from Matthew 5:31- Tooher shares some unhelpful and helpful ways of supporting people going through divorce.


McDonald speaks on Matthew 5:27-32 and 19:1-12., Cassette label reads : "399408 David McDonald Matt 5:27-32, 19:1-12 Marriage, affairs and divorce focus tapes Focus 11/5/94"


Christians respond to Kosovo crisis, Wollongong Anglicans offer safe haven to people fleeing former Yugoslavia, New look at renewing a failing society by Jeremy Halcrow, New name to continue the vision for youth by Harry Goodhew- on the formation of Youthworks, Divorce: one grandfather’s heartache by Philip Jensen, Anglicans Debate an Australian Republic by Robert Doyle and Bishop Donald Robinson, Archbishop writes to Herald on Euthanasia, Demolishing the myth of work by Simon Miller, Ten yeare later, Tiananmen’s legacy lives on by Val Horniman, Sisters find future in inner-city oasis by Margaret Rogers - on the visit of International Leader, Sister Anita, to Glebe Sisters of the Church., Volume 05 number 04, 1999-05-01/1999-05-31


Grant speaks on dometic violence. The group considers passages that consider domestic violence. Grant explores what submission does and doesn't mean. Talk is followed by questions. Discussion of remarriage following divorce in different circumstances.


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