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Reeves explores how the gospel answers how we can be right before God, and how God can remain holy and just, and have sinful people dwelling with him if he is incorrptable? By declaring people innocent, apart from their works and efforts, for free, through faith in Jesus, through faith alone. He explores this from Romans 4, and the dangers of adding to faith. Discussion of real faith, of faith that leads to trusting in Jesus as a gift., Cassette label reads: "Five beliefs that shook the world - faith alone - 7pm".
Reeves explains from Romans 3 how the gospel answers the question of how we can be right before God, and how God can still remain holy if we sinful and in his presence. Explanation of grace, justification by faith, being offered to everyone. The role of works is then explored. Reeves gives a detailed discussion of faith, the different types of faith and that it was given by God., Cassette label reads: "6 Oct 2002 Crossroads @ 5pm Five beliefs that shook the world : Faith alone" 45 mins Phil 3:4b-11 Marcus Reeves".
On expressing faith - being sure of what we hope for, the conviction of what we do not see - certain hope. He shows that it is not possible to please God without faith, and looks at the examples from the Old Testament which Paul had highlighted. Discussion of how to exercise faith in personal life and removing things that can cause temptation., Cassette label reads "Together by faith Hebrews 11 7/7/02 Marcus Reeves 5:00pm"
Raiter explains the cultural layout of Pakistan. He explores the position of children, and then the position of children in the first century. Raiter then shows, from Luke, how we must be depend on God in the same way as children depend on their parents., Cassette label reads : "Mike Raiter Luke 18:9-19:10 Topsy Turvy in an upside-down world. Xroads 07.02.99"
Garlick explains how God works things together for his will, and thus why we need to trust God in all situations. He demonstrates this from his own testimony, what commitment means to follow Christ. He gives examples from his university years, and as a leader in India. Garlick explores his experiences with culture shock, and that this is often us being uncomfortable with the way God is challenging us. He reminds his listeners that in all things God works for the good of those who love him., Cassette label reads "Dr Frank Garlick How Faith Works Out 1360 ©1979". Cassette insert reads "AFES Conference 1979 How faith works out".
Prior works through Colossians 1, exploring what a real Christian looks like. He works through the structure and content of Colossians chapter 1. He focuses on faith, love and hope as a group and their role in Paul's writing. Prior explores Jesus' role as creator, ruler, source of life and saviour. He explains that in Jesus we can all have the fullness of God., Cassette label reads : The Fullness of God Col. 1:1-23 Steve Prior @7:00 17/11/02 50 mins missed first 20 secs"
McDonald speaks on repentance and faith., Cassette label reads : "FP9005 David McDonald The Big Picture 5: Resurrection 6. Repentance and faith focus tapes Focal Point 1990
Dickson looks at the honour role of Hebrews. He then focuses on the past and present promises of God and the effect these have on our faith. Dickson explores the future promises that the passage points to. He discusses what faith is, in relation to the example sof faith., Cassette label reads : "589404 Lyn Thow Hebrews 11 He died - we live by faith Dickson PM 11/12/94"
Fiocco explores the relationship between Jesus and the Old Testament. Discussion of kingdom righteousness in comparison to pharassic rightousness. Fiocco encourages his listeners to seek reconciliation when there is a falling out. Faith should be built on Jesus and the scriptures, and it should come from the heart., Cassette label reads: "Building your faith on authority 4 Aug 2002 Matt 5:17-26 Dom Fiocco"
Speaker provides an overview of Israel's hstory. Ingham explores what faith is from the beginning of Nehemiah. He explores Nehemiah's concern for the glory of God, and the people's lack of concern for it. Ingham highlights Nehemiah's prayer for Jerusaleum, and encourages his audience to be people of prayer. He explores Nehemiah's trust in God because of God's faithfulness. Ingham examines the experience of being ridiculed, and that God is worth standing firm in., Cassette label reads : "Back to the promised land Nehemiah 1-4 Dean Ingham 23-4-95 Church PM" Box label reads : "Nehemiah 'Diary of disaster' Dean Ingham Dickson '95"
Hebrews 11:13 'These all died in faith, not having received the promises...' Theme: Faith in God. Endeavours to show how these Prophets and Patriarchs did not receive the promises, that they believed and received him and confessed themselves pilgrims and strangers. In conclusion compares the effect of the promises of the Gospel on the Prophets and how it ought to impress us. 11pp., complete.
Morris speaks on 1 Corinthians 13:46-87. He looks at love, including the different ways Greeks described love, and thus the different words for love in the New Testament. Morris explores the qualities of faith, hope and love., Cassette label reads : "CCYC 8.8.87 Talk 3" Box label reads : "Dr Leon Morris 1 Corinthians 1:1-17, 8, 13 46 87 1-3 CCYC 1987"