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Kuhn and Hartley discuss domestic violence within churches. They consider what domestic abuse is, how victims should respond, how the congregation can care for perpetrators, and what we can and should do as onlookers. Please note : this recording contains material relating to domestic and family violence.


New urgency on marriage licence move - on a suggestion to withdraw from administering legal marriages, Connecting with migrants - on the multi-cultural make-up of Yagoona, On your bike for refugees - on the Ride for Refugees, Marriage "mistake" by Episcopalians - on concern expressed at the US church removing reference to gender in their marriage canon and introducing rites for conducting "same-sex marriage"., Who is the real God? by Maryam Darvishi - on God from an Iranian perspective, Victim to his charms by Anne Lim - on domestic abuse, Praise from people or praise from God? by Lionel Windsor - on where we seek our reward from, 2015-08-01/2015-08-31


Churches drug split, Churches join forces on domestic violence awareness, Christians worldwide face by Nick Kerr - on the experience of Sudanese refugees, East Timor Protestants need friends now more than ever by Margaret Rodgers, Drug debate about more than addiction by Simon Miller, Moore mission makes impact by Stephen Liggins, Volume 05 number 05, 1999-06-01/1999-06-30


Generate celebrates by Nick Gilbert - on their ministry, Stance against violence - on the decision to appoint a taskforce that will develop a diocesan response to domestic violence., Two ways to launch - on the launch of Two Ways Ministries, Grey nomads, rural churches by Jim Longworth - on support to rural churches from caravaning baby boomers, Love endures by Glenn Davies - on biblical marriage, including that this does not include same-sex marriage and that marriage is only for this life, Many hands make lighter work by Ben Mceachen - on churches sharing resources, The simplicity of changing the world by Peter Bolt - on the purpose of evangelism and why we struggle to do it, 2015-07-01/2015-07-31


New mission campaign to bring Jesus to Sydney by Nick Gilbert, Churches join battle against NSW fires by Nick Gilbert, Brotherhood takes gospel to biker family by Nick Gilbert on Sydney's Brotherhood Christian Motorcycle Club led by Greg Hirst, Land buy to continue by Russell Powell - on continuing the Church Land Acquisitions Levy for another 2 years, "Green" and "brown" ministry strategy - on the spending of funds across the diocese in new and existing parishes, Robertson and Clovelly become full parishes by Nick Gilbert, Synod highlights indigenous ministries - on the passing of a motion giving thanks for support for Indigenous ministry, Domestic violence response by Nick Gilbert, GAFCON comes of age by Russell Powell, Ethiopia benefits from MU by Zoe Murray - on women's education through the Mother's Union in Ethiopa, Archbishop Davies says: "Refresh and sharpen"our mission - a condensed version of the Archbishop's Synod address, How I got collared by Michael Williamson - on the effectiveness of standing out as a minister by wearing a collar, Winebibbers in the 21st century? by Paul Williamson - on the relationship between believers and alcohol, and what the Bible does and doesn't say about alcohol., 2013-11-01/2013-11-30


Gillham introduces the topic and opens in prayer. Leslie likewise opens gently, and lays out what his aim is not, and what his aim is, to understand human violence in the context of the fall of the entire human race. He stresses that this does subtract from the importance of supporting survivors/victims in church settings and seeking professional help. Leslie explores Psalm 55 and David's experiences. He examines how hard it is to hand our anger over to God and entrust the justice to God, but that God can turn the wounds into joy. Leslie looks at the context of sin throughout the world, and places domestic violence within this context.


Grant speaks on dometic violence. The group considers passages that consider domestic violence. Grant explores what submission does and doesn't mean. Talk is followed by questions. Discussion of remarriage following divorce in different circumstances.


Jarrett looks at the challenges that some Christians face but do not feel comfortable to talk about, eg. Domestic violence, drug and alcohol. She shows that Jesus has come to call those in these types of situations. Jarrett stresses the importance of living out the gospel, showing Christ's love to people in these situations., Cassette label reads : "'97 talk 1 Sun morn" Cassette box adds : "MAC Ministry Conference 1997 'yes ministry' Masters 1. Talk 1 (Sat) 2. Talk 1 (Sun) Talk 2 (Sun) 3. Music Duplicates" Speaker is soft and is overridden by white noise., Yes' ministry conference


Kuhn and Hartley discuss domestic violence within churches. They consider what domestic abuse is, how victims should respond, how the congregation can care for perpetrators, and what we can and should do as onlookers. Please note : this recording contains material relating to domestic and family violence.


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