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Pray for US crisis talks: Goodhew - on a call to prayer for talks in the US around the ordination of women, Ten years for multicultural ministry - on Ray Galea's first 10 years at Rooty Hill, First graduate at youth college - on the first graduate from Youthworks, Farewell, my Sydney family - final article from Harry Goodhew as archbishop, Wave of the future - on the beginning of the Bush Administration, Christians endure terror as Congo disintegrates, C of E faces sex change test, Egyptian relief for weary Sudanese, Which way to God? by Geoff Robson Youth ministry gets tough in the Macarthur, Breakfasts reach ’Gong’s city workers, Anglican Schools’ growth explodes on the South Coast, Second sight by Amy Butler - on the impact of television programs on children, School daze by Jeremy Halcrow - on school chaplaincy at Trinity Grammar, Who will wave the flag for boys? by Jeremy Halcrow - on the messaging to boys in children's television, Volume 07 number 02, 2001-03-01/2001-03-31


Articles of particular note include:, Budget attack - briefly explaining the Archbishop Harry Goodhew's attack on the government's decision to reduce funding to Indigenous peoples, Sydney to leam from Olympic churches by David Tyndall, Certain death coming for Rwandan war survivors, Same sex couples seek equal rights, Concern for public housing, Volume 02 number 08, 1996-10-01/1996-10-31


Articles of particular note include:, City parishes preach to workers - includes a picture of a young Colin Buchanan with Archbishop Harry Goodhew and Glenn Daniel., Oakhurst will play to help pay its way - one of the early churches starting a business to help cover outreach costs, England still debating homosexuality, Lay administration heads to Tribunal - discussing lay people administering the Lord's Supper. Includes picture of Rev Dr John Woodhouse, First Steps - relationships between Indigenous and Europeans, and Indigenous people coming to Christ., Country star is down-to-earth by Kathy Stone - on Colin Buchanan, Young Nathan kicks off - on Nathan Tasker, The Buddhist next door - explains what Buddhism is, encourages readers to engage with their Buddhist neighbours and pray for them., Volume 02 number 03, 1996-04-01/1996-04-30


Archbishop averts crisis, Minto begins new Aboriginal ministry by Amy Morton, lay administration decision by Bishop Colin Buchanan - an English view, Eyes on the future with Colin Bale and Graham Stanton - on the establishment of Youthworks College in partnership with Moore College, Poke-mania is here! by Jeremy Halcrow, Volume 05 number 11, 1999-12-01/2000-01-31


Quadrio explores the dangers of having poor role models. He says that our parents are our biggest role models. He explores how we should be imitators of Christ, including the ability to apologise, and facing critisicm. Quadrio speaks on the benefit of humility. He shows that challenging situations can build love into relationships. Quadrio speaks on humility in the church., Cassette label reads : "In understanding, live! Who are your role models?" - Philippians 2:1-11 Trinity Chapel Macquarie" Richard Quadrio Trinity Chapel Macquarie"


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