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Athas speaks on John 1:14-18. He challenges the Gnostic idea of 'fullness' or special knowledge. He looks at John's language of 'we', and the role of the law. Athas shows that the god who affirms everything lacks justice, and thus is not of grace and truth.
Earngey expounds 2 Timothy 1:6-14. He looks at what Paul means by the gift of God. He encourages his listeners to reflect on God's word and grace, and not to justify themselves on the basis of their works or to compare themselves against others.
Thompson speaks on the wonder of God's grace, and responding to it by faith.
Thompson warns against falling away from grace. He details what grace is. Tooher explores some ways that help us to be gracious.
not after 3 August 2018
Thompson explores the relationship between grace and obedience, where it feels like conflict and shows that they are not in conflict throughout the Bible. He shows that obedience is the correct response to grace. Thompson challenges his listeners to actively obey. Thompson stresses the importance of obedience, that it can't be removed from the Christian life. He reminds his audience that we are saved because of Christ's obedience.
Thompson looks at responding with repentance as well as faith to the gospel. He explores the difference between remorse and repentence. Thompson uses the Parable of the lost sons to show the power of grace.
Thompson speaks on the danger of conforming to this age from Romans 12:1-2. 1. Mercy makes a difference 2. In our service 3. In our minds
Wogs for Christ dishes up another conference event by Nick Gilbert, All one in Christ - on everyone being saved by grace regardless of background, and viewing church like this, City churches to merge - on the amalgamation of Holy Trinity Garrison Church Millers Point and St Philip's York Street, Bishop Foord remembered by Russell Powell - on the life and memorial of Bishop Dudley Foord, Mission Areas thrive by Nick Gilbert - on churches who have been working together for the gospel, Indigenous college turns 40 by Nick Gilbert - on the 40th anniversary of Nungalinya College, Syria crisis deepens by David Mansfield, Discoveries by Glenn Davies - on his early days as Archbishop, A Muslim teaches us by Phillip Jensen - on the lack of need to perform works to be saved, and thus our faith does not always stand out in obvious ways, 2013-10-01/2013-10-31
Chapman speaks on Ephesians 2. He shows that we were dead and in need of salvation from Christ. Chapman explains grace as an underseved gift, and that it happened because it pleased God to bring us back to life. 1. Good works should issue forth freely in our lives, but they don't save us 2. Remember that we were once outside the kingdom, Cassette label reads : "Ephesians 2" Cassette insert adds "Chapman"
Chapman speaks on Romans 3:21-26. He looks at the context of the passage within Romans. Chapman looks at the lack of fear of the Lord in creation, and that this should not be undersetimated. He then streses that we should likewise underestimate the solution. Chapman spends time explaining grace. Chapman explains why justice is important, and thus why sin can not be skipped over. Originally delivered 1995-03-14
Leon Morris speaks on 1 Corinthians 1:1-17., Cassette label reads : "CCYC 8.8.87 Talk 1" Box label reads : "Dr Leon Morris 1 Corinthians 1:1-17, 8, 13 46 87 1-3 CCYC 1987"
Richards and Jensen explain what grace is. Jensen promotes the Summer Session at the Cathedral on grace. Discussion is followed by music from the cathedral., No CD