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Authors explore the debate around same-sex marriage within the wider Anglican Church leadership. They consider the Biblical teaching, legality, theology and pastoral care. Authors also analyse the decisions made in New Zealand.


Unichurch to be overseen by Dean Jensen, Parish partnerships to reach ethnic Sydney - on Cross Cultural Bible Church in Strathfield, Report: Communion does not meet health standards, Jesus was not silent on gay unions by Glenn Davies, Introducing journalists to God by Stuart Robinson - an interview with Dominic Steele, How passion can be a trap for leaders by Tim Hawkins - on youth leaders training, Retiring with grace - on suicide rates amongst sportsmen, particularly cricket, Volume 09 number 02, 2003-03-01/2003-03-31


Primate responds to Sydney Synod debate, Ordination of first white fella to serve under an Aborigine, Calls to ensure Christian staff in church schools by Simon Miller, Volume 04 number 11, 1998-12-01/1999-01-31


Carr’s concerns compromised by gambling levy by Sarah Barnett, Sydney experiments as women’s ministry meets lay presidency by Stephen Liggins, Challenging world-views is essentiai to evangelism: Carson by Stephen Liggins, Euthanasia cloud on the horizon by Margaret Rodgers, Hopes raised for ethnic parish plants inside existing boundaries - looking at new parishes that have the same ethnic make-up as the suburb., Archbishop excites much debate on women's ministry by Stephen Liggins, Archbishop: women should not be excluded an extract from the presidential address, Three churches in the west join the information superhighway by Jim Wenman, Homosexuality and the Church desires in conflict, Volume 04 number 10, 1998-11-01/1998-11-31


Same-sex unions divide Anglicans by Margaret Rodgers, ‘Equal but Different’ no heresy by Mark Thompson, Volume 05 number 02, 1999-03-01/1999-03-31


White has a session answering questions submitted beforehand from the student body. Following questions he looks at how we might assist those struggling with same-sex attraction., Cassette label reads : "Dr John White How gay is gay? 1445 c1985" Box label reads : "John White 1985 sex 1441-1445 alpha sound"


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