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Jensen speaks on the topic of Christ among the gods from the topic Christ and Eternity using the text Colossians 1:15-23. Jensen summarises Colossians as 'Christ Jesus as Lord'. He explores what it means to be in the image of God, including Christ being there in the begininning. Jensen explores some of the problems of translations. Jensen looks at getting our purpose from our creator. Jensen looks at monotheism in the Bible., "Cassette label reads : ""Phillip Jensen Colossians 1:15-23 Christ and Eternity AFES - NTE 6/12/99"" Box label reads : ""Focus tapes Christ among the gods AFES National Training Event 1999 Phillip Jensen and Richard Chin 5/12/1999 - 8/12/1999"""


Providence and government of God, Jesus Christ - Divinity


The Christian Faith series


24 pages.


Jackman reminds his listeners that they need to have confidence in their message. He explores how John 5 shows that Christ is now the centre instead of the temple. Jackman explores the healing of the paralised man on the sabbath and why Jesus did it deliberately. Jackman shows how we must honour Christ in order to honor the Father. Jackman explores Jesus as both judge and life-giver. He reminds them that God always provides evidence., Cassette label reads : "NC9306 David Jackman Facing the facts"

Hohne speaks on Jesus' authority from John 5:31-47. He explores the challenge faced from the Pharasees. 1. Testimony to the Son of God 2. The kind of glory that he expects to receive from that testimony


Ovey challenges pluralism and mysticism. 1. The wrong god - Paul is greatly distressed when he sees the pluralism in Athens. If we treat God as we do idols, where we are in charge, then we are not in relationship with God. 2. God's command is to repent from this thinking/acting. Our wrong ideas have wronged God. 3. Jesus has seen God, and thus we get our information about God from Jesus, because Jesus is God. He proved this by being raised from the dead. God talks to us, he reveals himself., Cassette label reads : "St Thomas' tape library Take Captive Every Thought 3. 'Pluralism : maturity or mutilation?' 24.8.97 Mike Ovey"


Abstract reads : "Against the background of recent discussion of perceived problems within the Definition of Chalcedon, with reference to its conceptual apparatus, and of the growing body of literature on the Acta of Chalcedon, this thesis has sought to investigate the conceptual apparatus of the Definition of Chalcedon. It has sought to identify its contours and whether there are problems present. To do so, the thesis first establishes the interpretive approach the Acta furnish for the Definition, namely, three interpretive strategies given for understanding the Definition. These strategies are then employed, tracing key terminology and their attendant concepts through the 4th-century authorities indicated by the Acta (Athanasius, Basil of Caesarea, and Gregory of Nazianzus) and the two conciliar letters of Cyril (The Second Letter to Nestorius and The Letter to John of Antioch) with the support of Leo’s Tome. The concepts of universality and particularity are chosen as the objects of investigation because of their central importance to the debates of the prior centuries and because they are the source of the problems identified by contemporary authors. The fruit of this investigation is then applied to the Definition, with the conclusion that there is indeed a conceptual problem in the Definition. The Definition sought to present itself as an application of the Nicene Creed, interpreted by select 4th-century fathers, to the debates of the previous decades concerning the incarnation of the Son. In doing so, it juxtaposed two ontological apparatuses that are not readily reconciled, namely, the account of a derivative essence used for the Trinity, by which three hypostases could be said to have one being or nature (ousia, phusis), and the logical account of two natures, by which one hypostasis could be said to have two essences or natures (ousia, phusis). Potential resolutions drawn from the following centuries and contemporary discussion are evaluated without finding an adequate resolution." Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 The Definition within the Acts of Chalcedon Chapter 3 Conceptual Apparatuses of 4th-Century Greek Theology Chapter 4 The Conceptual Apparatus of Cyril's Conciliar Letters Chapter 5 The Conceptual Apparatus of Leo's Tome Chapter 6 The Conceptual Apparatus of the Definition of Chalcedon Chapter 7 Conclusion Thesis examining the relationship between the humanity and divinity of Christ, as explored and discussed at the Council of Chalcedon.


Dale explores John 6 and how challenging it is to suubmit to God's claim on our lives. She explores the history of the idea of the 'search for the historical Jesus', and challenges it. She looks at the reliability of the gospel, and the importance of holding a passage of the Bible in the original context in order to understand the passage. Dale shows that those who investigate like this all present Jesus as purely human. Speaker agrees that Jesus was fully human, but also shows that Jesus is also God. She uses the healing of the paralytic to confirm this., Cassette label reads : "Fourth conference"


Rurlander wants his listeners to understand: 1. Jesus thinks that the is God 2. The disciples think that he is God 3. Salvation is found in no other name - Jesus is the only name by which we can be saved. He studies: 1. The virgin birth 2. Jesus' glory 3. Jesus is eternally the son of God 4. Jesus is fully God and fully man, Cassette label reads : "St Thomas' Anglican church Confident Christianity 5. How is Jesus better than others? Philippians 2 3.09.00 am Danny Rurlander", Confident Christianity


Stott speaks on the role of Christ, as both mediator and as central to Christianity. 1. Historical person 2. Human 3. Divine 4. Unique, Reel to reel label reads : "Theory and practice of evangelism talks 2-4 Rev J. Stott"


Piggin looks at catholic spirituality. He shows that Christian spirituality is concerned with Christ. 1. Who are we talking about? 2. What the catholics have to say about Christ - focus on the divinty of Christ until the revival and translation of the mystics, extreme piety needed to reach God. 4. What piety looked like 5. The dwelling places Talk is followed by questions, Cassette label reads : "Roots of contemporary spirituality - catholic"


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