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Ingham speaks on Matthew 10:34-36 and conflict. He explores the conflict that coming to Christ can mean within families, but that it is more important to be on God's side then to face judgement., First half of the recording is very soft. Cassette label reads : "Dean I. May 16 ANU" Box label reads : "Matthew 8-13 Jesus - the adult series"


Stott speaks on the role of Christ, as both mediator and as central to Christianity. 1. Historical person 2. Human 3. Divine 4. Unique, Reel to reel label reads : "Theory and practice of evangelism talks 2-4 Rev J. Stott"


Lucas explores John 20:30-31. He explains his aims : 1. That you may go one believing 2. By believing we may have life in his name. This is the theme for his 4 talks, John 20, John 3, John 11. Central message - belief in Jesus is the path to life. Lucas shares his testimony. Lucas looks at the structure of John and John's aims. His talks are structured with - evidence, belief, life. Speaker shows that John's gospel is an historical account. He lists Peter at the empty tomb, Mary, The rest of the disciples, and Thomas as witnesses. Lucas stresses that we must teach the gospel in the Biblical and historical context it was written in. John shows the reasons for a thorough unbeliever, and a thorough believer, in Thomas. He shows that the gospels were written by the people who were there, and what our response should be. Lucas explores what John means in the term 'life'. He shows what it means to refuse the historicity of the gospels., Cassette label reads : "The gospel of John - talk 1 1999 KEC Dick Lucas"


Manchester explains that believers are aware of their inconsistencies, and thus are thankful to God. He expounds Psalm 102:18-21, exploring the praise that the author gives to God when in a time of despair. Manchester shows that the ultimate answer is in Jesus, and if you recognise this you are a found person. Manchester stresses that God has spoken and given proofs for his existence, and has enabled his word to go around the world. He shows that we can know Jesus through his word, and not through proofs/miracles, as those opposed to Christ will reject the proofs. Manchester shows that God has solved our need for release from death through Jesus. He shows that our nature is to turn away from God, but that living for ourselves does not work. Manchester explains that we deserve a spiritual death, but that Jesus has paid for this. In response we need to change our lives and drop our sins., Cassette label reads : "St. Thomas' Anglican Church 'Christmas Day' Psalm 102:18-21 25.12.01 Simon Manchester"


Polick speaks on Hebrews 13:1-16. He speaks on Christ's never changing nature, and how this is different to the world. Polick stresses the eternal nature and relevance of Jesus. Polick shows that we have been saved through Jesus, and that this salvation is available to everyone regardless of where they are in history. He explores our responsibility in response to that., Reel label reads : "Expository preaching IVGF #5 Rev A.L. Polick 15.6.?61?"


Chapman briefly shares his testimony as an illustration of someone evangelising. He then shows that we too must be eager to preach the gospel, and that because it is God's gospel we do not need to be ashamed of the gospel. Chapman shows that the gospel is both historically reliable and unchanging. He explains that the gospels are the places to go to see what Jesus is really like, and thus that we should keep studying it. Chapman then looks at what do we do about the gospel, including the relationship between justice and love. Chapman looks at the relationship between obedience and faith, to show that can not be saved by good works but instead by our response to the gospel. Chapman looks at the judgement which will come for those who do not know Jesus.



Foster explores the historicity of the gospel, and that our faith is built on the historical reality of Christ, his death and resurrection. He looks at the Greek words which show this. Foster looks at the reliability of God's promises., Cassette label reads : "The unchanging word of God Dr Lewis Foster Side A 5/7/89 Robert Menzies School of Christian studies"


Woodhouse speaks on 1. A monopoly on the truth? 2. Quasi-scholars : The Jesus Seminar v actual scholars 3. The context in which Jesus lived 4. Jesus' preaching routine, and the response of listeners. 5. Actions of the historical Jesus 6. Why did Jesus make such a big impression on the world? 7. Come to the question 'who was Jesus' with an open mind


Guinness explores the case against Christianity as presented by athiests and agnostics who depend entirely on reason. He then addresses each of these issues, especially the historical accuracy from sources outside the Bible. Guinness explores the reasons that people have for believing in God, and how each group is different., Reel box reads : "The Kings School 1970 a series of 4 sermons nos 1 and 2 Howard Guinness Easter '70"


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