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Easter series


Mathew 26:63-66 '...And the High Priest answered and said unto him, I adjure thee by the living God, that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ, the son of God.' Theme: Sacrifice of Jesus. Considers the Jewish Governors prejudice, the confession and sentence of Christ. Attends to the history in a way of spiritual improvement. Urges the congregation to consider what Christ suffered and accept him because of this. 11pp., complete.

Michael Wilcock talks on Hebrews 10, the cross and the outworkings of it. He explains how it was impossible for people to approach God and enter behind the curtain to the Holy of Holies, but now Christ has come and opened the curtain, and so we have boldness to enter. Wilcock then explains the requirements of drawing near with a true heart, full assurance of faith, hearts sprinkled and bodies washed. Wilcock wants his listeners to hold fast to their faith. He talks about the importance of regularly saying the creed and how this relates to the confession of hope., Cassette label reads "Michael Wilcock #1 Heb. 10 AFES 8901", White static underneath


On the nature of death, the fear of death, using illustrations of deaths of key players from the Second World War. Jensen compares this to Jesus' death, and how it could be just for Jesus to die. Jensen the explores the historicity of the resurrection. He then explains the impact of the gospel, that Jesus has been made the Lord of the Universe, and we should also say Yes to Jesus and submit to him as Lord. We have seen the defeat of evil and of death. The resurrection is the first resurrection of the general resurrection, thus providing a hope. The talk is followed by question and answer on Resurrection., Casssette label reads: "T9501 Dr Peter Jensen Resurrection: Myth or Reality? Easter 1995"


Manchester explounds 1 Corinthians 2:6 1. The goal is maturity Manchester examines the difference between human and spiritual maturity. He challenges the audience to consider what/who we pray in relation to maturity. Manchester shows that the goal of praying for maturity is sanctification. He speaks on the Western world's goals of health and happiness. Manchester examines the process for santification including truth, fellowship, trial, and obedience. 2. The cross is the priority Not worldly maturity - not gravitating to the things of the world, and avoiding society's value within the church. He argues that average speaker in the church is designed to avoid a cult, and that the Bible highlights the falleness of people. This, alongside the gospel, shows our complete dependance on God. He shows that the gospel is both the power and wisdom of God. Manchester explains the significance of Jesus' death, as this is the substitution for us. He explores Jesus' victory over all principalites and powers. 3. The choice is eternity Message of wisdom amongst the mature, which the world will never get. He looks at the world's priorities, where the church starts to believe this, but that the biggest thing to understand is the bridge that Jesus has laid., Cassette label reads : "St Thomas' tape library The goal is maturity 1. 'The talk of the mature' 1 Corinthians 2:6 5.2.95 pm Simon Manchester


1. Why Christ was crucified - Manchester details Christ's death. 2. Why we preach Christ crucified a) It's a message of power He explores how the cross of Christ is supposed to affect us., Cassette label reads : "St Thomas' Anglican church Confident Christianity 6. How does his victory affect us? 1 Corinthians 1 10.08.00 am Simon Manchester", Confident Christianity


Manchester speaks on the Trinity from John 16:12-33 1. Keep the Trinity together 2. Be careful about those who divide up the truth about the Holy Spirit 3. The Spirit will present the gospel 4. New communication 5. The Spirit enable us to live for God, and to pray 6. The now and then, Cassette label reads : "Advantage believer (John 16:12-33) Simon Manchester 2000 KYLC-1 tape 920" Beginning of talk is missing, 2000 KYLC


Powell speaks on Isaiah 52:13-53:12. He looks at what God says about his Servant. Powell examines the unlikeliness of the Servant based on his suffering and outward appearance. He lead an activity of changing the text to 'Jesus' and to 'your name/ours'. Powell explores our relationship with God, and how this is changed because of what the Servant does. He shows that we must be obsessed with the cross., Cassette label reads : "The suffering God - Isaiah 52:13-53:12 Ian Powell 1999 KYCKSTART tape 897", 1999 KYCKSTART


Chapman speaks on 1 Corinthians 8, and the importance of grasping the implications of the gospel. He explores what it might mean to believe in vain. Chapman expounds 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, working through Paul's statements regarding Jesus death, burial, and resurection, and that this was all in accordance with the scriptures. Chapman gives 4 reasons why the resurrection is at the heart of the gospel : 1. Shows that Jesus' sacrifice was a complete sacrifice 2. Shows that Jesus is the Messiah 3. Shows that he is the Lord and Christ 4. Shows that Jesus is the judge 5. Shows that we also will be raised


Stott speaks on the terms "suffered", "crucified", "death" and "buried" based on 1 Corinthians 15. 1. The centrality of Jesus' death 2. The historicity of Jesus' death 3. The cruelty of Jesus' death 4. The curse of Jesus' death, Box label reads : "Tape 3 Series 1 Side 1: 'The Apostles Creed' 'Suffered under Pontius Pilate…crucified dead and buried Side 2: 'He descended unto Hades' Rev J.R.W. Stott", All Souls Church, London


Thomson explores the weaknesses of the Old Testament sacrificial system. 1. That it was never God's will, only a model for Christ's sacrifice 2. That they always failed 3. Jesus sacrifice makes us perfect 4. The temptations we face when we feel guilty of sin


Calder expounds Jesus' use of 'I AM' in John 10:1-18. He looks at the actions of Jesus and that this means that 'I AM' is laying down his life, voluntarily. Calder gives examples of people who are serving in Regional NSW, and encourages students who might be interested in this area.


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