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France expounds the chapters looking at Jesus' visit to Jerusalem, and how the issue of kingship is addressed. 1. The nature of Jesus' kingship 2. The implications for the question of theology - who is Jesus? Jesus and God
Knox expounds the doctrine of the Trinity, and that believing this is essential to the Christian faith. He examines both Jesus' divinity and humanity. Knox addresses a question from the audience regarding whether or not Jesus knew/knows everything. Cassette insert reads : "DBK Intro to doctrine (Person of Christ) 19-8-02 25/26". Sound is soft and muffled. Second talk expounds the purpose of the incarnation.
Jensen explores the speech of God, both what God has said as well as what God is still saying. This is otherwise known as the Doctrine of Revelation. He speaks on the changes of how we use language in general. Jensen stresses the power of God's word, as stressed in the bible. He explains our relationship between God and his word, and God's word and us. This is because it is a relational word. Jensen then examines the identity of Jesus. Jensen looks at the descriptions of 'image of God' and 'word of God'. He then details the understanding that Israel had for Jesus to be both God and man. Jensen provides a summary of what the bible is, and how we should approach it. Jensen looks at the challenges that arise when we think that the bible has errors in it, especially in not recognising that it is the word of God. It leads to no longer listening to it, and thus to stop listening to God. Jensen argues that God, as both man and God, satisfies the challenges created by language. Talk is followed by questions.
Jensen speaks on the importance of having rigorous moral principles, seen in the necessity for justice and guilt. He defines guilt as "unfinished moral business". Thus, Jensen shows why Jesus' life and death is important in light of judgement. Four of Jesus' titles are defined and explained. This is followed by the achievements of Jesus' death and resurrection. This is to demonstrate what life would be like if God came among us, based on Jesus' life and teaching. Jesus' death shapes the present time, as he works towards the fulfillment of his kingdom. Jesus rules the present by his word. He then details the role of the Spirit. Jensen then shows that peace is triumphant in Jesus. Jensen gives a summary of the talk, in Jesus' past, present and future. Talk is followed by questions.
Jackman reminds his listeners that they need to have confidence in their message. He explores how John 5 shows that Christ is now the centre instead of the temple. Jackman explores the healing of the paralised man on the sabbath and why Jesus did it deliberately. Jackman shows how we must honour Christ in order to honor the Father. Jackman explores Jesus as both judge and life-giver. He reminds them that God always provides evidence., Cassette label reads : "NC9306 David Jackman Facing the facts"
Piggin looks at catholic spirituality. He shows that Christian spirituality is concerned with Christ. 1. Who are we talking about? 2. What the catholics have to say about Christ - focus on the divinty of Christ until the revival and translation of the mystics, extreme piety needed to reach God. 4. What piety looked like 5. The dwelling places Talk is followed by questions, Cassette label reads : "Roots of contemporary spirituality - catholic"
Chapman speaks on Matthew 14 - Jesus walking on water. He stresses that this is Emmanuel - God with them. He looks at the response of the disciples in worshipping Jesus. Chapman then highlights that Peter has great vision, and is the example both of faith and of little faith. Originally delivered 1990-08-14
Packer looks at what the real Jesus was - God's son or not? He looks at why and how the gospels were written, including the way that each gospel presents Jesus. Packer looks at the claims that Jesus makes about himself : Son of Man Son of God Only hope for humanity Packer looks at how scholars sometimes view the bible 1. A testament of faith, rather than the written word of God, thus there is no guarantee of it's accuracy 2. Reconstructions of the past and explanations which do not involve the miracles are preferable Packer then looks at the evidence presented in the gospel, including the historicity of the gospels. Originally delivered 1978-01-01
Packer briefly answers questions raised from the earlier talks. He gives a summary of the previous lectures. Packer looks at the hypothesis about the incarnation which is offered as an attempt to explain features about the incarnation. 1. A danger sign, warning against speculation 2. Prepare our minds by illustrating from the New Testament it's declaration of Jesus divinity 3. The hypothesis - kenosis theory of the incarnation 4. A brief, final comment on the divinity of Jesus, and the gospel. Originally delivered 1978-01-01
Bale speaks on hope from Luke 7:1-10. He explores the raising of the son of the woman from Nain, showing that Jesus is God.