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Sole edition of an anonymous essay designed to bring about peace and harmony in the taking of communion: for, as the author says, Judas himself was a partaker at the original supprt. The writer quotes the rhyme attributed to Queen Elizabeth I when, under the reign of her sister Mary, she was challenged on the doctrine of the real presence.' - bookseller's description. There was a reply to this the same year, also published in Oxford but not noted by Madan, titled 'The Receiver Undeceived' (Wing R262)., Woodcut border and printer's device on title page. Woodcut initial and header. Page 6 misnumbered 3.


Lord's Supper - Catholic Church, Transubstantiation


Lord's Supper, Jesus Christ - Sacrifice


7 pages ; 21 cm.


Document advocating for the use of individual cups at Holy Communion. Outlines the theological and historical arguments in favour of individual cups. Quotes several doctors on the risk of infection from using a common cup.


Report on the history of the administration of Holy Communion, from the Early Church to the Reformation. Also outlines the law of the Church on the matter.


Manuscript report of meetings of the Subcommittee. Outlines committee members' views on the use of the individual cup at Holy Communion.


Report made as the result of a vote in the Bishops' Meeting at the General Synod of 1910. Outlines the history and practice of using individual cups at Holy Communion. Discusses the views of doctors on the risk of infection from using a common cup.


Manuscript report presented to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.


Manuscript notes on the topic of intinction at Holy Communion.


List of resolutions proposed.


Lord's Supper - Catholic Church, Transubstantiation, Mass


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