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Looks at the work of wisdom, witness of Christian thought, and the world of human predicament. Discussion of the Christian lifestyle as one of living in response to grace. Cole explains the dangers of cognitivism, or having all brain knowledge but not living out Christ's love. He also explores the dangers of not having any orthodoxy. Discussion of where people store and respond to their treasure. Some discussion of application of how to keep Christ at the centre. Importance placed on making distinctions between convictions from the text and theories from preachers. The whole of God wants the whole of us. Followed by Question and Answers., Cassette label reads: "Emotion and Christian Spirituality Graham Cole 29.9.92 Robert Menzies College School of Christian Studies".


Adamopoulu speaks on church history throughout Europe, and how this led to orthodox spirituality. This includes the relationship between church and state., Cassette label reads : "Contemporary alternatives of spirituality orthodox - Br. T. Adamopoulu - 28.9.92 Robert Menzies College of Christian studies" Beginning of talk is missing. Sound quality is poor


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