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Jensen speaks on Psalm 63. 1. The strength of his longing 2. The results of his longing Originally delivered 1993-07-21
Jensen speaks on Joel 3. He looks at what will happen to Israel's adversaries on the Day of the Lord. 1. The actions of the surrounding nations 2. God will take justice - the judging of the nations 3. Restoration 4. The wider context of the Bible - how is this fulfilled in Jesus? Originally delivered 1980-01-01
Jensen looks at what salvation is. Jensen looks at God's reply to the prayer of Ancient Israel. He looks at how Joel describes salvation 1. Stems from the character of the covenant God - God is jealous for his land/people 2. Salvation involves nature and all that contradicts the opinion of man 3. Joy and the very presence of God Originally delivered 1980-01-01
Jensen speaks on Joel 2:12-17. He looks at how we prepare for the great day that the signs remind us of. 1. The Lord's appeal (v12-14) 2. True repentance 3. Bible-shaped godliness 4. Repentance as we wait for the coming of the Lord Originally delivered 1980-01-01
Jensen speaks on the same three aspects of salvation as in Joel. 1. Salvation is an all-embracing phenomenon 2. There is a time angle, in at least two stages for the audience 3. We must look to the New Testament for clarity. Jensen looks at Romans 8 to show that we must wait in hope. Originally delivered 1980-01-01
Service for the opening of the Broughton Knox Centre, following Knox's death. Jensen gives an overview of Knox's life and his teaching. He looks at Knox's focus : 1. The bible at the centre 2. Focus on Christian fellowship, or other-person centeredness. Jensen looks at how these convictions shaped his training for ministry. He looks at the things that Knox taught, and what he spoke against. Originally delivered 1994-01-01 Poor sound quality
Jensen speaks on Mary's song from Luke 1:46-55. He explains what the concern of the passage is not, and then looks at three things that the passage does tell us. 1. God the dependable 2. God the gracious 3. God the mighty
Jensen speaks on Luke 1. He looks at the question 'What will this child be?' which is asked in 1:6 about John the Baptist. 1. What caused the question? 2. How is the question answered? Second talk in the series.