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Religious freedom not yet assured by Jeremy Halcrow, Hands linked on centre for city’s youth by Geoff Robson - on the launch of a Sunday evening youth service at St Andrews Cathedral, Letters force Woodhouse to resign - on the resignation of John Woodhouse from chairman of the Committee of Enquiry into the Anglican Counselling Centre., Australians divided over death - on whether or not abortion should be allowed, Sydney Anglican Deposit Plan - on financial investment. This ad occurs monthly, encouraging readers to invest in fixed-term deposits., New year hope for reconciliation - Harry Goodhew's address for the new year, Australians can help end Sudan’s war, Tough plan to deal with gay crisis by Margaret Rodgers and Geoff Robson, Division over same-sex rites - on a church in Canada that has decided the bless same-sex unions, Taliban threatens death penalty to all converts, The heart of the atonement, World is not enough - on the ordination and service of Neville Naden and Ray Welsh, Volume 07 number 01, 2001-02-01/2001-02-28


Churches drug split, Churches join forces on domestic violence awareness, Christians worldwide face by Nick Kerr - on the experience of Sudanese refugees, East Timor Protestants need friends now more than ever by Margaret Rodgers, Drug debate about more than addiction by Simon Miller, Moore mission makes impact by Stephen Liggins, Volume 05 number 05, 1999-06-01/1999-06-30


Church acts to prevent abuse, Light brings hope to shattered lives in Arnhem land, Archbishop Carey’s talks disappoint gays, Bishop works to bring Sri Lanka peace by Margaret Rodgers - on a visit to Sydney made by Bishop Kenneth Fernando, Sudanese say thanks by Gum Lang, John, Volume 05 number 07, 1999-08-01/1999-08-31


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