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No borders for God’s protection by Amy Butler, Archbishop Williams to uphold ban on gay priests, Shouldn’t war be the last resort? By Margaret Rodgers, Seniors are neglected in church mission strategy by Dr Shareen Robinson, Craig Josling’s city vision: ‘We want 30,000 people sharing Christ with their workmates.” by Stuart Robinson - on the beginning of City Bible Forum, The day that changed the world by Jeremy Halcrow - on September 11, Sudanese Christians face terror attacks every day, Volume 08 number 08, 2002-09-01/2002-09-30


1. Disasters in general and how we respond 2. The significance of September 11 3. The broader picture behind September 11 4. Bible passages 5. Jesus' comments 6. Survivors 7. Application, Cassette label reads : "Varied - Part 1 - A Christian perspective on the American Disaster Sept 2001" Talk delivered the same week as September 11.


Pawson looks at Genesis 11, Daniel 4, and Revelation 18 and 19 to help people grapple with the attack on the twin towers. Pawson then looks at Luke 13 for something more concrete, to show the disaster is a call to repentance. He reminds his listeners that those who committed these acts are humans just like us, and that Christ died for them too. Pawson shows that we are just as sinful, and worthy of a violent death, and how much we need Jesus., Cassette label reads : "Varied - Part 2 - A Christian perspective on the American Disaster Sept 2001" Talk delivered the same week as September 11.


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