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Lecture on the differences between Christianity and other religions, including inclusivism, general revelation and special revelation. Begins with the end of a session on work in Cambodia., White static throughout

2006-01-01/ 2006-12-31

Training tape for staff at AFES conference., Cassette label reads : "MDP Training Cassette John 1982 Please return at conference"


Science and faith by Peter Jensen - on the relationship between science and faith, Real Life by Tara Farrugia - on a new church plant in Canley Heights, Pathway from Youthworks College to Moore by Andrew Buerger - on recognition of former training by Moore College to those studying at Youthworks, New congregation at Quakers Hill by Andrew Buerger, Strategy goes beyond 'minor tweaking' by Russell Powell - on funding, the role of the Archbishop and the local church in evangelism, Nelson to head north by north-west - on the appointment of Gary Nelson as Bishop of North West Australia, Cold welcome - on being a welcoming church, Sydney international by Andrew Robinson - on being a culturally diverse church instead of mono-cultural ones, A word's worth by Greg Anderson - on the power of words, Preparing teens for leadership - on the Leaders in Training conference, 2012-03-01/2012-03-31


Scheyville dining room. Scheyville Training Farm and Migrant Accommodation Centre., Digitised from a glass lantern slide.


Training, Recording, Oral


Training, Recording, Oral


Training, Recording, Oral


Training, Recording, Oral


Training, Recording, Oral


Training, Recording, Oral


Training, Recording, Oral


Training, Recording, Oral


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