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Green light for church plants - on Archbishop Goodhew's view on Recognised Churches legislation and Parish Review bill, Church reaches out to prevent suicide, Sydney rector elected Bishop of Bathurst - on the election of Rev Richard Hurford as Bishop of Bathurst, Tile plight of girls in China, Bible backs homogeneous churches by Ray Galea, Kevin Kim, and Archie Polous, Celebrating a nation: what we make it by Jeremy Halcrow - on the Australian Federation centenary, ...happily ever after by Peter Downey, Recapturing lost ground - on the appointment of Michael Hill as Vice Principal to Moore College, Sudanese face upheaval - on a visit from exiled Bishop of Bor, Wani, Volume 06 number 11, 2000-12-01/2001-01-31
Pray for US crisis talks: Goodhew - on a call to prayer for talks in the US around the ordination of women, Ten years for multicultural ministry - on Ray Galea's first 10 years at Rooty Hill, First graduate at youth college - on the first graduate from Youthworks, Farewell, my Sydney family - final article from Harry Goodhew as archbishop, Wave of the future - on the beginning of the Bush Administration, Christians endure terror as Congo disintegrates, C of E faces sex change test, Egyptian relief for weary Sudanese, Which way to God? by Geoff Robson Youth ministry gets tough in the Macarthur, Breakfasts reach ’Gong’s city workers, Anglican Schools’ growth explodes on the South Coast, Second sight by Amy Butler - on the impact of television programs on children, School daze by Jeremy Halcrow - on school chaplaincy at Trinity Grammar, Who will wave the flag for boys? by Jeremy Halcrow - on the messaging to boys in children's television, Volume 07 number 02, 2001-03-01/2001-03-31
Time ripe for ‘more accurate’ Bible by Geoff Robson - on the launch of the ESV, Disability ministry underway - on disability ministry in Glenbrook, How to take Christ into the workplace by Peter Jensen, Former Imam leads others to Christ, A loved pastor to his people - on the retirement of the first Indigenous Bishop, Arthur Malcolm by Margaret Rodgers, Volume 07 number 08, 2001-09-01/2001-09-30
Debate on meaning of the cross, UK Government funds gay activists in Anglican church, New Archbishop’s primary goal must not be unity - on the primary goal and the role of unity, A church with open arms - on being a welcoming church, No Christian is a ‘foreigner’ - on the inclusiveness of church to all nations, Choosing life by Amy Butler - on how hard it is for women from low SES backgrounds to avoid abortion, Nowhere to go by Amy Butler - on asylum seekers, Vision splendid by Jeremy Halcrow - on the election of the next archbishop, Peter Jensen, Volume 07 number 04, 2001-05-01/2001-05-31
Ethnic churches start new chapter by Jeremy Halcrow - on the launch of ethnic Bible Studies, Archbishop Jensen receives word for more evangelistic opportunities - on the consecration and inauguration of Archbishop Peter Jensen, A love affair for Sydney refugees - on working with refugees in the south-west, Could you share Jesus Christ with a friend? by Peter Jensen - on personal evangelism, Sydney confronts cross-cultural future, Cross-cultural leader for CMS - on Rev John Thew's election as Federal Secretary of the Church Missionary Society, Lay presidency may not be impossible: Williams, Grounded witness by Dr Robert Banks - on outreach in the workplace, From Sunday to Monday - on the lack of preaching on secular work, Sting in tail of Uniting Church ties - Glenn Davies comments that if a covenant is formed with the Uniting Church and that this will inadvertently bring lay presidency, Volume 07 number 07, 2001-08-01/2001-08-31
New Archbishop puts Bible on nation’s agenda by Jeremy Halcrow - on the agenda of Peter Jensen as archbishop, The first and last word is Jesus - Peter Jensen's first Archbishop writes article, introducing himself and bringing people back to Jesus, Connecting with God by Geoff Robson - on ministry and dangers of the internet, The big picture - on the challenges facing Peter Jensen as he commences as archbishop, Canterbury tales - Margaret Rodgers interviews Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey regarding issues he’will face in the near future, Courage under fire by Jeremy Halcrow - on media reports of Peter Jensen's election, Volume 07 number 06, 2001-07-01/2001-07-31
Computers to revolutionise ‘do it yourself church services by Jeremy Halcrow, Volume 07 number 11, 2001-12-01/2002-01-31
Christians divided over spanking law, Army of men gather to be God’s warriors - on Katoomba Men's Convention, Blue-collar work given a woman’s touch - on the appointment of Ruth Mahaffey to TAFE ministries, No quick-fix for crisis in US by Geoff Robson, Grief comes with remembering by Margaret Rodgers - on the way Australia responds to ANZAC Day and Easter, Two Thousand miles apart by Jeremy Halcrow - on the reconciliation process, Unnatural selection by James Murray - on the search for the next archbishop, Northern Sydney looks to new faces - on the establishement of A Special Ministries Task Force for Cross Cultural Ministries (CCM) and Rosemary Anderson starting ESL classes., Volume 07 number 03, 2001-04-01/2001-04-30
Religious freedom not yet assured by Jeremy Halcrow, Hands linked on centre for city’s youth by Geoff Robson - on the launch of a Sunday evening youth service at St Andrews Cathedral, Letters force Woodhouse to resign - on the resignation of John Woodhouse from chairman of the Committee of Enquiry into the Anglican Counselling Centre., Australians divided over death - on whether or not abortion should be allowed, Sydney Anglican Deposit Plan - on financial investment. This ad occurs monthly, encouraging readers to invest in fixed-term deposits., New year hope for reconciliation - Harry Goodhew's address for the new year, Australians can help end Sudan’s war, Tough plan to deal with gay crisis by Margaret Rodgers and Geoff Robson, Division over same-sex rites - on a church in Canada that has decided the bless same-sex unions, Taliban threatens death penalty to all converts, The heart of the atonement, World is not enough - on the ordination and service of Neville Naden and Ray Welsh, Volume 07 number 01, 2001-02-01/2001-02-28
New era for church planting by Geoff Robson, Pakistani Christians ask missionaries to go, Our resurrection hope speaks to September 11 by Zac Veron, The rhythm of life by Kirk Patston - on whether we need music at church, The fundamental challenge by Peter Jensen - on his vision as Archbishop, Border control by Amy Butler - on Peter Jensen's critisicm of Australia’s bilateral policy towards the boat people., Volume 07 number 10, 2001-11-01/2001-11-30
Sydney mourns with America by Jeremy Halcrow, Eyewitnesses to a nightmare by Jeremy Halcrow, Women’s convention success may exhaust talent pool - on inaugural Katoomba Women's Convention, Archbishop Jensen appoints regional bishops and registrar - on the appointment of Glenn Davies and Peter Tasker as bishops, What sense can we make of this evil act? by Peter Jensen - on the American terrorist attacks, Churches in the midst of the terror, World leaders look to God for answers, Pray for justice not revenge by Margaret Rodgers, Farewell, Bishop Barnett by Evonne Paddison, Volume 07 number 09, 2001-10-01/2001-10-31
Report on gay issues released, Breaking new ground for ministry training by Geoff Robson, Anglicans look to work with Pell - on working with the catholic church, Overseas Relief and Aid Fund - Early marriages matter - on the damage of early marriages to female education, Modern Anglicanism ‘adrift’ and facing ‘catastrophic destruction’ by Mark Thompson, Bush critical of Sudan’s ‘atrocities', Change the way you look by Carmelina Read - on the appropriate dress for church and being clothed in Christ, Volume 07 number 05, 2001-06-01/2001-06-30