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Dear Sir, We the undersigned being appointed to value the Farm of Captain Waterhouse on the North side of Parramatta River, have this day taken into consideration, and from the Fences and Buildings having gone to utter Ruin, we are of opinion that the said Premises are worth no more than One hundred and sixty Pounds Sterling to be paid on demand; as nothing can be taken into consideration but the Land and Situation except what sawed Timber may be found in the Ruins, which may help the Purchaser in his Improvements. The above we have mentioned to Mr. Hannibal McArthur who has agreed to become Purchaser upon your giving him possession and a regular Transfer. We are &c [Signed] Saml. Marsden Rowland Hassall PS: inclosed [on reverse] is Mr. H. McArthur's Note relative to the Purchase of the same to which he requests an immediate answer. [Reverse] "Account Sales of 25 Head of Horned Cattle sold by Auction by D. Bevan, the property of Captain Waterhouse." [Amounting to:] £169: 0: 0


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