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Ezk 34:17-24, Zec 13:1-9; Mat 26:30-32; Jhn 10:7-18, 7.15pm, Topical, Shepherds, Evening Church
Jhn 10:1-21, 10.30am, Topical, The Good Shepherd (1030), 10.30am Morning Church
Jhn 10:1-21, 9.00am, Topical, The Good Shepherd (900), 9.00am Morning Church
Jhn 10:1-21, SIFC, Easter, The CV of the Saviour, St Ives Family Church
Chapman expounds part of John 10. He explores the allegory of the Good Shepherd who gives his life for the sheep, and that Jesus has the power to lay down his life for the sheep. Chaman looks at the relationship between the Father and the Son, especially the Son's complete obedience. Chapman show that those of faith are those who hear the Shepherd's voice. He explains that these people can not be taken from God.