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Originally delivered 2004-09-16



Originally delivered 1987-01-01


Originally delivered 1987-01-01


Originally delivered 1987-01-01


Originally delivered 1987-01-01


Originally delivered 1987-01-01


Originally delivered 1987-01-01


Shead summarises earlier talks on how inspired holy scripture comes about. Questions are taken on the talks, looking at the Word of God. This includes in the Word of God as preaching, what scripture is, developing a doctrine of scripture, and the written scripture. Exploration at what is meant by the expression 'the Word of God'. Other questions include how we know that scripture is trustworthy, and the impact of this on other questions. Question panel Originally delivered 2004-09-16


Bolt looks at the relationship between the sermon and the Word of God. He explores the genres in the New Testament, with a focus of the reading aloud of the New Testament documents. 1. The revelation of God himself Bolt explores the structure of a service, mainly, when is the sermon. He looks at the structure of the sermon itself in light of both Christ's first and second comings. Bolt looks at the historical fact of Christ's life, death, and resurrection, and thus that it never changes. The result is that the audience should be able to distinguish between true and false teachers. 2. The word of the witnesses Bolt shows that this too is historical evidence 3. Church proclamation Here, the Word of God is heard subjectively by the believer, as the Holy Spirit reveals it to us. Here, God makes himself known to believers. 4. Paul's writings as an example People recognise it as the Word of God, and thus Paul's writings are an example of a sermon. Talk is followed by questions Originally delivered 2004-09-15


Sailer looks at the witness of the Word of God from John. 1. The word comes - the revelation is an ongoing reality 2. Jesus is the revelation - the words Jesus speaks are about Jesus himself 3. All the scriptures testify to Jesus 4. A study on the quotations of Jesus in scripture 5. The role of the Spirit with the word 6. Witness/evidence of disciples Talk is followed by questions Originally delivered 2004-09-15


Poulos looks at the relationship between the Word and the Spirit. He looks at the implications of this relationship. 1. The traditional model of looking at the work of the Word and the work of the Spirit in bringing the gospel to people 2. A different model to show the same thing Originally delivered 2004-09-16


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