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Informs Boydell of news relating to friends and family including news of Mrs. McQuaid.


Letters from Phoebe Broughton in Darlinghurst to her fiance William Boydell


Contains miscellaneous letters written to members of the Broughton family on personal and family matters. Due to the small number of the letters and the nature of their content they have been grouped together


Letters relating to collections of Broughton's papers and their acquisition.




Reports on news from England.


Letters from family members in England



Family breakdown sees more look for God, CMS holds first youth ‘recruit’ camp, PM plans prayer for nation by Margaret Rodgers - on calls for a National Day of Prayer, Iraq conflict leaves divided nation in need of reconciliation by Jeremy Halcrow, SARS forces Church to rethink ministry, Is this Sydney’s busiest ‘church’? by Stuart Robinson - on school chaplaincy at Barker College, They are our neighbours and they have never heard of Jesus - interview with Rosemary Anderson regarding English classes, or ESL, The killing game by Peter Jensen - on euthanasia, New push for euthanasia in NSW, Volume 09 number 04, 2003-05-01/2003-05-31


We can’t afford church, says Sydney by Madeleine Collins - on financial pressures facing church-goers and the flow-on effects for churches., Archbishop Jensen given ten more years to lead the Mission by Jeremy Halcrow, Church has failed the bush by Geoff Robson, We must assist those hurt by the drought by Peter Jensen - on the effect of drought on bush ministry, Key appointment to stem cell body - on the appointment of Dr Megan Best to the regulatory body for embryonic stem cell research, Moore friends won in Brisbane Diocese, Canadian decision may sink the Anglican ship by Geoff Robson - on blessing of same-sex unions in Canada, Islamic revolution looms large in Iraq by Jeremy Halcrow with Barnabus Fund, Sydney course adds depth to African sermons - on PTC courses used overseas, Go West! Church planting frenzy grips outer suburbs - on church plants across the western suburbs of Sydney, Volume 09 number 05, 2003-06-01/2003-06-30


Christian bikers bring gospel to youth by Madeleine Collins - on outreach program 'Street Level', New course puts the Bible back on the menu - on the launch of 'Two Ways to live', No boundaries for ministry to our uni students - on the appointment of Richard Chin as AFES National Director, The heart of the missionary church by Amy Butler - on the place of ethics within a church, Volume 09 number 08, 2003-10-01/2003-10-31


Prisoners being set free by God by Madeleine Collins - on ministry for ex-inmates, Christians everywhere equipped to serve by Peter Jensen - on part-time theological study, Anglican Communion soon to divide? by Margaret Rodgers, East Asian churches seek unified Korea by Liz Hogarth, Political agenda behind gay adoption debate by Margaret Rodgers, King of the kids - and the parents by Liz Hogarth - on Colin Buchanan's ministry, Volume 09 number 09, 2003-11-01/2003-11-30


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