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Katoomba Youth Convention 1997

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Thorp explains the protocol for visiting Ninevah. He stresses the importance of being faithful to God's message, and of responding to God's message. Thorp highlights God's compassion., Cassette label reads : "God's Word at work Grant Thorp Jonah 1997 KYC Side A & B Tape 732" Sound has an echo., 1997 Katoomba Youth Convention


Thorp speaks on Jonah 4. He looks at Jonah's complaining and God's response. Thorp examines Jonah's character, and how it reflects the god he was worshipping, in contrast to the true God. Thorp shows how this was warned of by God before they entered Canaan, that when they forgot God, God would still ensure that it went out to the nations, in order to make Israel jealous and repent. He shows how we can have this same attitude as Jonah., Cassette label reads : "Man spat out by whale spit's dummy Grant Thorp Jonah 1997 KYC Side A & B Tape 733", 1997 Katoomba Youth Convention


Speaker explores the importance of Jonah being an historical text. He looks at the historical context for Jonah. Speaker expounds Jonah 1-2., Cassette label reads : " Echo throughout talk., 1997 Katoomba Youth Convention

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