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In Folder: Chapel talks

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Peterson looks at the roles and responsibilities that can be placed on pastors. He looks at the pattern(s) presented in the New Testament, especially from Titus. Peterson explores the apostolic ministry, showing that it is both evangelistic and supernatural. He looks at the things that need to be relearned in order to understand the gospel, including works righteousness. Peterson looks at Paul's message.


Peterson examines what Titus teaches about church leadership, and that this should be shared. He examines the role, importance and expectations of elders. Peterson looks at the characteristics expected of church leaders.


Peterson looks at the characteristics of, and how to address, false teachers from Titus 1. 1. The character of false teachers 2. Things that attract false teachers and attract people to them 3. What purifies us Peterson looks at how leaders should respond to false teaching, both in teachings and behaviour.


Peterson looks at patterns of ministry which should be encouraged, and which show that ministry is not dependant on the minister. He looks at the importance of encouraging the older men and women in the congregation. Peterson then looks at how to encourage the younger women and men.


Peterson looks at the importance of living in such a way that the gospel and Christianity is seen as powerful and relevant. He looks at what our motivation should be from Titus 2. Peterson looks at Jesus to pay the ransom price for us, and that this should be our motivation. He shows that we must always have confidence in the gospel. Peterson looks at the importance of, and how to be self controlled. He stresses that we must not be embarressed by the gospel.


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