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P&A Annual Conferences

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Priscilla and Aquila Centre

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Talk on women in ministry.


Jensen explores what the Bible says about the treatment of widows, and how society thinks about widows in the 21st century. Jensen explores marriage as a divine institution and action, and that it is contaminated because of sin, thus ending with death. Jensen shows that we are reconciled through Jesus. He explores our duty to care for widows.

not after 25 May 2019

Questions and answers relating to Jensen's talk on widows.

not after 25 May 2019

Sarah provides an overview of the ministry being done at Gladesville. They look at the ministry of younger people to older people from 1 Timothy. Issues include : Methods of communication Relating to everyone as family Obedience to our natural family The Seabrooks look at how to have theological discussions with older people. Talk is followed by questions.


PAA 2016

PAA Annual conference 2011

2012 Annual PAA conference

PAA Annual Conference 2015

PAA Annual conference 2017

conference talks from 2018

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