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Anderson, William

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Anderson shares how he heard about the Evangelical Union at Sydney University. He shares the Christian books which shaped his life. Anderson recounts the spread of EU social work. Anderson explains some of the jargon used in the EU, including 'Evangelical', 'evangelism', 'atonement' and infallibility. He explains the impact of T. C. Hammond on the EU language. Anderson recounts apologetics in the 1930s, especially around the sinless perfectionism movement. He explains the different groups that this movement was impacted by, and how it was removed. Anderson points out specific people and denominations who influenced the Evangelical Union. He explores how it changed as the Charismatic movement started to grow. Anderson recounts the growth of Christian organisations who all had similar aims, and that these groups all had purpose, prayer, and planning., Cassette label reads : "Bill Anderson"


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