Object Type: Folder
In Folder: R faculty
Robinson gives a report on the 1988 Lambeth Conference. He gives a brief history of the conference. Robinson explains the main concern of the conference as what the nature of authority as the Anglican Communion is, and how is our unity to be maintained. Cassette label reads : "26th August 1988 - Friday 1:00pm Cathedral Luncheon Club - 'Lambeth Walk' Speaker : Archbishop Donald Robinson"
Service giving thanks for the Deaconesses. Includes choral music. Robinson highlights passages that relate to thankfulness. He then gives an overview of the history and works of deaconess ministry. Cassette label reads : "31/8/86 Choral communion Thanksgiving service for deaconesses Preacher : Archbishop D.W.B. Robinson"
Originally delivered 1984-01-01