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P&A Annual conference 2021

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In Folder: P&A Annual Conferences

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Gillham introduces the topic and opens in prayer. Leslie likewise opens gently, and lays out what his aim is not, and what his aim is, to understand human violence in the context of the fall of the entire human race. He stresses that this does subtract from the importance of supporting survivors/victims in church settings and seeking professional help. Leslie explores Psalm 55 and David's experiences. He examines how hard it is to hand our anger over to God and entrust the justice to God, but that God can turn the wounds into joy. Leslie looks at the context of sin throughout the world, and places domestic violence within this context.


Tooher introduces the webinar, with some book recommendations on dating. Grimmond explores why relationships are so mysterious, and how it is we manage to have dating. He defines dating as being both exclusive, and being intimate at some level. Grimmond shows that some aspects of Christian dating will be radical for the world around us. He explores the place of marriage, and what the Bible says about it. Grimmond details 1 Corinthians 7 and the benefits of both singleness and marriage. He stresses that sex and marriage go together. Grimmond highlights the difference between the Biblical teaching and societal expectations. Grimmond explores the effect of the smartphone, pornography, and individualism. Grimmond looks at who, when and how to date. He explores why it is that dating young is not wise, and marriage at a young age can lead to divorce. He encourages his listeners to date in community. Grimmond stresses the importance of accountability for purity. Talk is followed by questions and answers.


Orr looks at why people think Jesus is racist based on the healing of the Syrophoenician woman, and why Jesus is not racist. He compares this to the woman suffering from persistent bleeding, and that Jesus interacting with Gentiles, and with unclean women, is not new in Mark. Orr looks at the differences in Matthew and Mark's accounts, including Matthew's language. He examines the heavy common language, and why it is significant.


Raffel explores the demographics of migrants in Australia, and where they are residing. She shares some of her experiences of sharing the gospel with students in Perth and Sydney, including the importance of word of mouth and 1-1 ministry. Raffel explores the different models used by churches for English ministries, and the services offered by Anglicare. Raffel shares the challenges and joys of sharing the gospel cross-culturally.


Miller explores how people have viewed the Bible as patriarchal in the past, and then explores how Genesis 1-3 presents a different view. He then explores the treatment of women from the early chapters of Genesis.


Gary and Fiona Millar answer questions from the first session. Gary then explores the relationships between the men and women and women and women in the early chapters of Genesis.


Jensen teaches on how to read and teach the Old Testament. She explains why it's important to have an understanding of the Old Testament in order to understand the New Testament. Jensen reflects on the talks given that morning. She then considers why we look at the Old Testament in Bible Study, and how to run the group. Talk is followed by questions.


Lin introduces the online event. Ramsey introduces Equal But Different, and Lonsdale explores the history of the organisation. Ramsey and Lonsdale demonstrate a workshop for answering difficult feminist questions.


Fiona Millar explores negotiating leadership as a minister's wife, and the struggles that a minister's wife faces. Gary Millar highlights the challenges that the minister will need to consider in caring for their wives. 1. Position 2. Power 3. Proximity 4. Posture Fiona Millar explores the dangers of a matriarchal figure, especially around power struggles. Talk is followed by questions and answers., A secondary recording is playing underneath.


Earngey speaks on Lady Jane Grey. He covers the people who influenced her faith, the historical context of Grey's life, and how this affected the spread of the gospel. Earngey looks at Grey's desire to live out a godly woman in her appearance, even as a teenager. Earngey explores how she came to be Queen, and then how she was overthrown by Mary. He explores the relationship between Jane's faith and her rule, and the events leading up to her execution.


Hartley speaks on the life of Susannah Spurgeon including the societal context, family context, and memoirs as the fiancee and wife of Charles Spurgeon. Hartley details her legacy. Talk is followed by questions.


Wu explores Proverbs as a style of writing. He explores how to read the Proverbs, especially the personification of wisdom. Talk is followed by questions.


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