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Chapel 2018

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In Folder: Chapel talks

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Gibson looks at the relationship between faith and works from James 2:14-26. He shows that faith must be active, as intellectual faith is dead and does not lead to action, but active faith leads to works, giving to examples in both Abraham and Rahab.


Harrington looks at what believers should be ambitious about, which is for Jesus to be glorified. He then considers how we know what our ambitions are, such as our attitude to personal hardship. Harrington explores how to respond to conflict between believers, and to focus on the spread of the gospel. He describes this as "small us, big Jesus". Harrington encourages his listeners to be ambitious for the spread of the gospel, to dream big, and for this to shape their lives.


Lyons looks at suffering with a view for eternity, as well as suffering in fighting against sin from 1 Peter 4:7-11. He shows that even at Bible College we are not exempt from fighting sin, but that eternity means that suffering will end. Lyons looks at our conduct in the light of eternity, with an emphasis of prayer. He explains what it means for our sins to be covered by Christ. Lyons details the importance of showing hospitality with grumbling.


Cook looks at the repentance of the Ethiopian Eunich. He examines the roles of the 3 characters, God, Philip and the eunich. Cook reminds his listeners that evanglism in Australia requires the same skills as evangelism overseas.


Taylor speaks on Romans 16:17-20. He looks at removing the disguise of false teachers, and then how to respond to them. Taylor shows that one can be obedient to the gospel, and still be tempted by false teachers, but that Satan has been defeated by Christ.


Nelson speaks on 2 Timothy 2:1-7, urging his listeners to find their strength from God. Nelson considers the qualities of people who should become teachers, and to be looking out for people with these qualities.


Kapic speaks on Psalm 22, and times when we feel forsaken by God.


Hutchinson looks at Psalm 32. He observes that the source of our joy is being saved by Christ, and that this joy seems to fade. Three watch words: 1. Cander - don't hide your sins from God 2. Immediate confession 3. Compliance - allow yourself to be led by God.


Allbery expounds Mark 13:32-37. He looks at the two dangers of either believing more or less than what the Bible says, especially in relation to judgement/the end of the world. He considers why we need to stay awake and what it means to stay awake.


Earngey speaks on 2 Timothy 1:1-5. He details the relationship between Paul and Timothy, and Paul's joy over Timothy's faith.


Thompson speaks on Paul's final words to Timothy from 2 Timothy 4. He looks at Paul's challenge/reminder to Timothy to preach the word, and applies this to the graduating students. This includes both patience and urgency, taking and making opportunities.


Thompson speaks on Zephaniah 1. He highlights how hard it is to hear about sin and the struggles/fall of Israel and the temptation to jump to the New Testament, but that we must read it to really appreciate Jesus. Thompson provides the Biblical context for Zephaniah, and looks at the description of the Day of the Lord.


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