6.45pm, Isaiah, Purple passages in Isaiah, 645
Rom 8:1-17, 6.45pm, Romans, The Perspective from Rome, 645
6.45pm, Matthew, Parables that shock, Evening Church
Luk 14: 15-24, 10.15am, Special event, Special, Morning Church
Dan 10-12, 6.45pm, Daniel, Daniel, 645
Rom 5:1-11, 6.45pm, Romans, The Perspective from Rome, 645
Dan 9, 6.45pm, Daniel, Daniel, 645
Dan 8, 6.45pm, Daniel, Daniel, 645
Rom 6:1-23, 6.45pm, Romans, The Perspective from Rome, 645
Rom 7:1-25, 6.45pm, Romans, The Perspective from Rome, 645
Rom 6 - 8:17, 6.45pm, Romans, The Perspective from Rome, 645
Rom 14:1-15:13, 6.45pm, Romans, The Perspective from Rome, 645