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1 Corinthians

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In Folder: Jensen, Rev Dr Peter

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Jensen speaks on 1 Corinthians 10:1-13. He looks at the privileges that the Israelites in God revealing himself to them, and that this is to stress that the present generation is privileged. Jensen looks at the temptations that the Israelites faced, and how we also face these same temptations. He shows that we also come to God without pure hearts. Jensen stresses that the Old Testament was also written for us and should not be rejected or ignored. Jensen explains that the gospel has been provided so that we might endure when we face temptation. He looks at what it means for us not to be tempted beyond what we can bear.


Jensen speaks on 1 Corinthians 10:31, as a reminder for everyone, but especially for exiting students. He speaks firmly on doing all to the glory of God and imitating Christ.  1. Paul's missionary passion 2. Paul's missionary method Jensen explains Paul's missionary method of putting yourself to one side. He looks at the reasons for giving up our freedom for the salvation of others, using abstaining from food offered to idols as an example. He explores what it means to be all things to all men. 3. Paul's missionary goal - that people may be saved.


Jensen speaks on 1 Corinthians 6:12-20. He looks at the use of prostitutes and sexual immorality in general. 1. The body is meant for the Lord, and the Lord for the body 2. The body is to be resurrected Originally delivered 1992-08-18


Jensen speaks on 1 Corinthians 6:12-20. He looks at Paul's response to people who think that they can justify their behavior because their body is no longer relevant to sin, because God will judge the body. Jensen then breaks down Paul's arguments. 1. The body will be resurrected, thus your body matters 2. The body is united to Christ's - what does this mean for marriage and sex? 3. Sexual immorality Originally delivered 1992-08-18


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