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P&A Annual conference 2020

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In Folder: P&A Annual Conferences

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Smith acknowledges that this is a difficult topic, highlighting that the only positive aspect is the forgiveness offered to everyone. She briefly covers the history of the debates in Australia and New South Wales, and how we are different to the United States. Smith details the existing laws around abortion. Smith looks at what abortion is, how terms are understood, and side effects of abortion. Smith raises linguistic moves made by pro-choice groups to make abortion seem attractive. 1. Prevention of abortion 2. Informed, faithful pastoral care


Tucker explores the way we see time as linear, that we have this idea of progress, and that this came with Christianity because we are heading towards the return of Christ. He explores some of the passages that people find challenging, especially around women and submission. Tucker examines how the fall brought in a power struggle and how Eve's role was damaged by the fall.


Tucker speaks on the importance of marriage, including how it should reflect Christ and the church. Tucker explores which came first - church or marriage, but reminds his listeners that marriage is always temporary. Tucker explores Adam and Eve as sinners, and Adam's responsibility in sin. Tucker speaks on what love really looks like, as modelled by Christ. Talk is followed by questions.


Bale shares his experience studying feminism at university. He speaks on feminsim, the history of it, and the implications. Bale looks at where the Protestant culture intersects with feminism. Session is followed by question and answers.


Orr speaks on the importance of gentleness, especially in relation to social media, and toxic masculinity. He explores some of the complications around the translating the greek for gentle. Orr explores the relationship between gentleness, kindness and patience, and stresses that it is not being nice. Talk is followed by question and answers.


Woodhouse looks at how our world lives up to Jesus' words, and how this affects witnessing. He considers both the positives and negatives of our reponse in our day. Finally he makes some suggestions to help us understand what is going on.


Anderson shares his testimony. Anderson and Kuhn explore the resources that Anderson has collated. Anderson reflects on the situation of society, and how we should be acting. He warns against patronising people.


Jensen speaks on the topic of retirement, including the way the world views retirement, and how believers view retirement. He shows how having faith has improved retirement for people. Christine speaks on the importance of forgiveness, especially for relationships we are struggling with in our older years. Talk is followed by question and answer.


Windsor explores how passages relating to submission are taught by evangelicals in Australia, and understood by society. He then looks at the passages in their context.


Tooher lists the reasons why she loves the Apostle Paul.


Chin and Litchfield provide their personal backgrounds. They look at : All members of Christ's body are unique and essential Women face unique issues As Christians we relate as family Men, be like women


Baldwin shares her experiences in how she came to be writing a book, including studying at Moore, how she came to Bible translation, and the book of Job.


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