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Chapel 2019

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In Folder: Chapel talks

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Orr speaks on 2 Corinthians 10:7-18. He details why boasting is bad, including the wrong way to boast, and what we should boast in.


Thompson speaks on sickness and death from Matthew 8:1-17. He explores Jesus' compassion and willingnness to cross religious barriers in touching the man, and healing Peter's mother-in-law.


Orr looks at 2 Corinthians 11:1-21. He examines the issues being faced by the Corinthians, including the acceptance of a different gospel. Orr shows that it is thoughts that lead to devotion, and thus the mind is the battlefield.


Lin speaks on Hebrews 1:1-4. He examines the comparisons made by the author to show Jesus' glory. Lin encourages his readers to examine both the lesser and the greater, so that they are constantly reminded of the son's superiority.


Loane looks at ordination, what it is and why it is important. He looks at Exodus 27-29, what this teaches us about holiness and ministry, how this points to Jesus' atoning sacrifce, so that we do not have to repeat these sacrifices for holiness and ministry. Loane warns against making a god of our ministries.


Hohne considers the secret of true progress as he expounds Luke 8:1-25. Hohneows that Jesus is the only one with enduring dependance on God, and what it means for us to have enduring dependance on Christ.


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