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Katoomba Convention 1986

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In Folder: Katoomba Christian Convention

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Jensen speaks on sacrifice from Hebrews 9_24-10_5. He looks at what society finds offense at, and what this teaches us about our values. Jensen looks at some of the obsessions that Australians have developed, including exercise and nature. He explores what is going on behind these obsessions. Jensen then looks at the religion of the old covenant, and the commentary given in the book of Hebrews. He explores what Christ has achieved in contrast to it. Jensen warns against adding something to scripture. He explains that the things that people add to scripture (mainly works) were removed by the gospel. Talk given at a Katoomba Easter Convention


Jensen speaks on why believers find it hard to accept the love of God from Romans 5:1-11. He explores why this is, as we are constantly seeing our own sin, and thus develop doubts and a lack of assurance. 1. Man in sin 2. The fact of Christ's death 3. Preaching the cross 4. God takes us seriously because he loves us, and part of love is discipline. 5. The cross is the bottom line in pastoral ministry Talk is followed by questions


Jensen speaks on Romans 5:6 - Christ died for the ungodly. He illustrates with a question that he was asked "is this plague [AIDS] the wrath of God?" Jensen shows that these types of questions come from a lack of assurance. Jensen explains what idolatry is. Jensen shows that God's discipline comes from his love. That God's wrath comes from his care for us, because he takes us seriously. He explains that God takes the initiative, as we were still weak. Jensen looks at what it means for Jesus to bear the punishment for the ungodly. He stresses that this gives us assurance for our salvation. Talk is followed by questions Katoomba Easter Convention


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