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AMCL 1996 - Jesus and the Logic of History

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In Folder: Annual Moore College Lectures

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Barnett gives an overview of the literature on the historicity and historical inquiry into Jesus. Lecture is followed by questions.


Barnett makes some comments on the earlier lectures. 1. Apostolic history (Galatians 2:7-9) 2. Apostolic writings - their context. Why were they written? 3. The importance of Jesus and how he was different to others 4. Paul's concern for the teaching of the gospel 5. The function of the letters compared to the gospels 6. Jesus' preaching style in the gospels Talk is followed by questions


1. What was preached? 2. The reliability of Paul's preaching 3. The gospels represent a true era where Jesus was said to be 4. The topography 5. The importance of John the Baptist 6. The importance of Herod and gentiles in general 7. The Jews Talk is followed by questions


Barnett gives a summary of the previous lectures. 1. Some problems with Acts at the point of entry 2. Historical documents 3. Contents in the historical documents


AMCL 1996: Jesus & the Logic of History


Barnett looks at the context based on historical texts, both biblical and non-biblical, exploring the role of the background characters. He explores some of the other literature which looks at the historical texts. Barnett looks at what Acts and the apostolic letters teach us about Jesus Talk is followed by questions.


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