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Chapel 1998

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Jensen speaks on Colossians 2:6-7 and speaks directly to the exiting students. He speaks on the need to be grounded in the Word of God if we are going to share it across the world and to the next generation. Jensen stresses that we have placed ourselves under Christ as Lord, and as Lord of your life. He looks at what God has done to enable this to happen. He shows that thankfulness is the appropriate response to salvation.


Genesis 15:1-11 Originally delivered 1998-01-01


Thompson speaks on Cain and Abel from Genesis 4:1ff. He looks at the links between Genesis 3 and 4. Thompson explores the offerings the two men brought, and why one is accepted and the other is not. He looks at the importance of being grateful for the gifts given to others rather than being envious. Thompson looks at the horror of a brother murdering a brother. He then looks at the miracle of God still caring for Cain. Thompson shows that it is Abel who sets the pattern for the deliverer to come. Originally delivered 1998-03-30


Jensen looks at the importance of saying the negative and denying in addition to giving praise and giving approval. He stresses the importance of serving God in God's way and not in our own way. Jensen looks specifically at commandment number 2 - you shall not make an idol and bow down and worship it. Jensen looks at God's rule of the world by his word. He examines some examples of images which crept into Christian tradition. Deuteronomy 5:8-10 Originally delivered 1998-10-20


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