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Stace, Baden

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Heb 10:19-39, SIFC, Hebrews, Hebrews, St Ives Family Church


Heb 11, SIFC, Hebrews, Hebrews, St Ives Family Church


Stace speaks on Hebrews 7. He looks at the judgement of God, and how we respond to a talk on the topic is both a measure of how we see ourselves, and how we see God. Stace explains that we need a saviour and priest in order to enjoy and delight in God's holiness. 1. Melchidek's name and character is a perfect fit to describe what Jesus is able to impart to those who have trusted in him 2. Melchizadek's permanent qualifications 3. Don't go back if the reality of Melchizedek has arrived 4. Perfection through Christ, the perfect priest 5. If we don't see God as holy, we will not see the significance of sin, the cross, his victory, and Jesus as mediator.,  ,  ,  


2Pe 1:1-11, 7.00pm, Topical, Special, Evening Church


Mrk 8:34-9:1, SIFC, Mark, Who is this Man? Encountering Jesus in Mark's Gospel, St Ives Family Church


6.45pm, Topical, Reality Bites, 645


Luk 24:36-49, 10.15am, Easter, Easter Series, Morning Church


Luk 12:13-21, 6.45pm, Topical, Reality Bites, 645


Ecc, 9.30am, Ecclesiastes, Life. . . Under the Sun or Life Under the Son, St Ives Family Church


Ecc, 9.30am, Ecclesiastes, Life. . . Under the Sun or Life Under the Son, St Ives Family Church


Ecc, 9.30am, Ecclesiastes, Life. . . Under the Sun or Life Under the Son, St Ives Family Church


Ecc, 9.30am, Ecclesiastes, Life. . . Under the Sun or Life Under the Son, St Ives Family Church


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