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In Folder: Chapel talks

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Shead speaks on Jeremiah 10, looking at 4 condemnations of idols, followed by 4 exhortations of the one true God. Shead puts the passage back in it's original context (hermeneutics) in order to understand it.


Shead speaks on false teaching from Jeremiah 8, and the importance of teaching faithfully.


Shead looks at why we read the Bible alone, when there is no one to speak on it, from Jeremiah 8. He clarifies when Jeremiah is speaking and when God is speaking. Shead looks at repsonding appropriately to God's judgement, including the response of false teachers and the human response of selfishness. Shead looks at the emotion of Jeremiah, and how he reflects God's emotions.


Shead expounds on Jeremiah 10. He looks at God's warning not to copy the nations, including avoiding idols.


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