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2003 - History and the Gospel

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In Folder: School of Biblical Theology

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Ellis shows that looking at the historical and biblical background is essential to exposition of the passage. He then applie this to Colossians 1:12-20. 1. The historical setting of the letter 2. The literary form of the passage 3. The teaching of the passage School of Theology 2003: History and the Gospel Lecture 6,  ,  


Williamson speaks on the historicity of the Old Testament. He explores the revisionist history in the mid 2000s, and the response of other scholars. Some scholars he investigates are Philip Davies and William Dever. Williamson examines the arguments for the authenticity for the historicity of Abraham, including biblical names, animals and social customs. Talk is followed by questions.


Clarke looks at fictive modes of literature, their overlap with historical writing, and the connection between them He then examines how the Biblical narrative uses features of fiction without becoming untrue. He shows that we must come to a position of responsible persuasion.


Doyle looks at how we understand the expectations of God working in our experience and history outside of biblical events. He explores at our ability to see how believers interpret this as purpose. follows a chronology to expose what is involed in discerning God's work in history. 1. Interpretation from bible to secular city in the early and medieval church 2. Providence : the Puritans 3. Soterology : Evangelical Reformers 4. Escatology : Mortmen and Pannenberg 5. Epistemology : Aquinas and Barne


Barnett looks at the importance of understanding geography in understanding biblical events in the New Testament. He shares some personal reflections from seeing the physical locations of events. Barnett shares his testimony, and then speaks on his questions about the historicity of the bible. He examines some of the writers, both primary and secondary, that shaped his understanding on the topic.


1. Paul's name 2. Paul's family 3. The word 'Apostle' 4. Apostleship 5. Relationship between Jesus and the Apostles Colossians 1:12-20 Talk is followed by questions


Salier summarises the week's talks. Questions are then taken from the floor.


 Rosner provides an overview of the use of the terms 'salvation' and 'history' across both testaments. He provides a summary of the aim of the series. Rosener then gives a summary of salvation history throughout the Old Testament, both the narratives and the poetic books. Rosner gives an overview of the Old Testament referencesto salvation used in the New Testament. He then explains that the connection between the two testaments is not a coincidence. Rosner higlights the potential epochs across the bible. Rosner stress that the bible is both history and literature with different genres. He shows that God both acts and speaks throughout the bible. Talk is followed by questions.


Kern shows appreciation for the work of, especially as it reveals a counter-cultural apostle, by listening to the history, rhetoric and theology of the cross, with a focus on Galatians. He shows that Paul represents both passing references to the cross and death of Jesus, and also, development of the theology of the cross with the scholarly work which this passage has received. Kern focuses on crucifixion and the connotations attached to it in the 1st century, by examining the Greco-Roman world. Kern then looks at the cross and how it used to connect identification with Jesus and the persecution of the early believers.


Woodhouse introduces the school and the theme of the history wars. He looks at the significance of the history wars for believers. 1. The history wars are dealing with major moral issues 2. The role of believers in the history of Australia 3. The nature of history and, our knowledge and accounts of the past Woodhouse looks at the relationship between the interpretation of history and the reality of history. He applies this to Christian faith. Woodhouse shows that the gospel is historical. 1. The importance of history to Christianity 2. The historical character of Christianity and the gospel


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