Object Type: Folder
In Folder: unidentified
Audio of a play of Acts 9., Reel to reel box label reads : "Interpreting the OT part 3"
Three recordings of 2CH programs on one tape. Talk one : Speaker gives a summary of Acts. He places the text in it's original context, including the reaction of the crowds, and the spread of the gospel. Speaker explores the role of the significant preachers, their bravery and death. He looks at the beginning of mission work. Speaker examines the challenges faced by Paul, including shipwreck and imprisonment. He looks at the mission opportunities that Paul took. Speaker highlights the similiarities between Paul and his audience. Recording two : Review of a book about a mission work amongst Indigenous Australians. Discussion of activities at missions. Recording Three : News headlines.
Speaker gives a summary of Paul's life from Acts 9. He looks at what a healthy church should look like. 1. The Bible must be central 2. An awareness of what the church should look like 3. A growing commitment to church, including caring for one another