Heb 11, 5.30pm, Hebrews, Hebrews, Evening Church
Heb 11, 7.00pm, Hebrews, Hebrews, Evening Church
Php 1:12-20, 5.30pm, Philippians, Shining like Stars, Evening Church
2Ti 3, 5.30pm, 2 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Evening Church
Rom 12:14-21, 7.15pm, Romans, Authentic Christianity, Evening Church
1Co 15:20-22, 5.30pm, Easter, Good Friday and Easter Day, Easter
Rom 3:9-20, 7.15pm, Romans, Authentic Christianity, Evening Church
2Ti 2-3, 5.30pm, Topical, Special, Evening Church
5.30pm, Matthew, The Lord's Prayer, Evening Church
Php 2:12-30, 5.30pm, Philippians, Shining like Stars, Evening Church
5.30pm, Malachi, The Prophecy of Malachi, Evening Church
Jon 3, 7.15pm, Jonah, Jonah, Evening Church