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Apostles Creed, The

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Stott looks at the difference between the phrases 'He ascended into heaven' and 'is seated at the right hand of the Father'. He explores both lines with passages from Hebrews. Stott compares these phrases against other lines., Reel label reads : "IV 2 Return of Christ J. Stott"


Stott speaks on 'Resurrection from the dead' in the Apostles Creed. He supports his arguments from 1 Corinthians 15. 1. The fact of the Resurrection 2. The nature of the Resurrection 3. The meaning of the Resurrection 4. The power of the resurrection, Reel label reads : "IV 2 Return of Christ J. Stott"


Stott explores the line in the Apostle's Creed 'The forgiveness of Sins'. He lists the occasions in the gospel that show that Jesus can forgive sins. He explains what sin is, and how different people think about sin. Stott looks at how God responses to sin when we accept his forgiveness, and the completeness of God's forgiveness. Stott argues that God's forgiveness for us is different to our forgiveness of others. He looks at the consequence of sin, and that Jesus is the only one who has faced this consequence for us. It is promised on the conditions of : 1. Repentance 2. Faith 3. Love, Reel label reads : "I rap 8. Forgiveness of sins" Reel box label reads : "All Souls training school address 3-6"


Stott speaks on the line of the Apostle's Creed 'I believe in the resurrection of the body' expounding 1 Corinthians 15:12. He explores the evidence provided by Paul in this passage. Stott explains the implications of Christ's resurrection. Stott compares this passage to Ezekiel 37. Stott critiques the latin translation of the creed. Stott looks at what the new body will be like, warning against reading too much into the text. He explores what we are told about when this will happen., Reel label reads : "I rap 8. Forgiveness of sins" Reel box label reads : "All Souls training school address 3-6"


Stott speaks on the last phrase of the Apostle's Creed. He supports his talk from 1 John 5:11-13. Stott speaks on the importance of eternal life, and what eternal life means., "The creed J.R.W. Stott 9", All Souls Church, London


Stott speaks on the phrase 'he descended into hell' from the Apostle's Creed. He explores how Hades/Hell was thought about in the ancient world. 1. Jesus descended into Hades to complete his human experience. 2. We don't need to fear death because Jesus has already been through it. 3. Jesus descended to the dead to claim his universal Lordship, Box label reads : "Tape 3 Series 1 Side 1: 'The Apostles Creed' 'Suffered under Pontius Pilate…crucified dead and buried Side 2: 'He descended unto Hades' Rev J.R.W. Stott", All Souls Church, London


Stott speaks on the terms "suffered", "crucified", "death" and "buried" based on 1 Corinthians 15. 1. The centrality of Jesus' death 2. The historicity of Jesus' death 3. The cruelty of Jesus' death 4. The curse of Jesus' death, Box label reads : "Tape 3 Series 1 Side 1: 'The Apostles Creed' 'Suffered under Pontius Pilate…crucified dead and buried Side 2: 'He descended unto Hades' Rev J.R.W. Stott", All Souls Church, London


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