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Thomas, Ian, Major

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Thomas expounds Hebrews 10. He explores Christ's submission to the Father, and Christ's motivation for sacrifice for man. Thomas explains what it means to give up your life for Christ., Sound levels are inconsistent. Reel to reel label reads : "Major Ian Thomas 'Availablity'" Reel to reel box label reads : "Side 1 'Availability' Major Ian Thomas 1 hr Side 2 'Availability' and 'The Glory of his coming' Ken Short 36 mins"

Thomas stresses that the gospel can not be added to - Christ is the only one who can live in and through you. We must surrender to him., Reel to reel label reads : "Availability part 2 also Rev. K. Short 'The story of his coming'" Reel to reel box label reads : "Side 1 'Availability' Major Ian Thomas 1 hr Side 2 'Availability' and 'The Glory of his coming' Ken Short 36 mins"

Thomas explores the importance of relying completely on Christ, and not on ourselves, with biblical examples. He explores this in the life of Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 19, including his alliance with Ahab, and crying to God in battle. Thomas explores the practicality of trusting completely in Christ, that he is the only one that is worth seeking., Reel to reel label reads : "Major Ian Thomas 'Jehoshaphat" Box label reads : "1. Major Ian Thomas Jehoshaphat 2. Part 2"

Thomas shows that God takes over, not taking sides., Reel to reel label reads : "Major Ian Thomas 'Jehoshaphat" Box label reads : "1. Major Ian Thomas Jehoshaphat 2. Part 2"

Thomas expounds John 6:28ff. He addresses the enthusiasm and desire to serve that the audience mught be feeling. He stresses that Christian life and service are inseparable, and can not be classified into different activities. Lucas explains that doing what we were made to do is part of our sanctification. Lucas stresses that the most important thing is that people come to Christ. He looks at the main ways that the flesh attacks believers., Reel to reel label reads : "Major Ian Thomas 'Challenge to Service'" Box label reads : "Major Ian Thomas 'Challenge to Service'"

Reel to reel label reads : Box label reads :

Thomas examines Philippians 3:7ff. He looks at John 14 to support Philippians 3, in order to stress that Jesus is the truth and is the only one who brings freedom. Thomas stresses that if Christ had not faced the hour of his death, his life would have been in vain. He shows that we can not be right with God via the law or works, and that Christ's sinlessness also highlight our sins. Thomas explains that the purpose of Christ's sinlessness is what allowed him to die for our sins. He shows that Christ was credited with our sin, which allowed it to be judged, and for him to credit us with his righteousness., Reel to reel label reads : "Major Ian Thomas NZ Grain of Wheat 1 and 2" Box label reads : "Grain of wheat 1 and 2"

Thomas stresses that we must enjoy the life that Christ has given us a saved people on earth, and that we can not add to this. He looks at how the gospel transforms people's lives. Thomas shows that adding to the gospel is the same as trying to live in our old nature. He shows that Christ works through us. Thomas looks at committment by faith - trusting that it is God who is working. He looks at the way God witnesses that Christ is our redeemer. He encourages the audience to have an attitude of faith, of dependance on God., Reel to reel label reads : "Major Ian Thomas NZ Grain of Wheat 3"

Thomas looks at some basic principles : 1. The life Christ lived qualified him for his death 2. Jesus life would have been inadequate but for the death he died Thomas expounds the Passover instructions in Exodus 12. He shows that Jesus is the Lamb of God, as his death qualifies us for life, just as the lamb qualified Israel for life. Thomas shows that we must live by the Spirit's power, and not our own strength. He explains the peace of God that comes in handing everything over to Christ. Thomas shows that the blunders are made when we ignore God's sovereignty. He argues that Christ has already given us everything, and warns against asking for things that we already have., Reel to reel label reads : "Major Ian Thomas NZ Grain of Wheat 2"

Thomas explores Christ's promise that if we are seeking him, we will find him. He stresses that we must heed God's warning of judgement, and that we must act upon this. Thomas shows that the key components are judgement, mercy and faith, and that these are also present in the law., Reel to reel label reads : Box label reads :

Thomas expounds 2 Corinthians 5:14ff. He explains what it means to be 'In Christ', and that Christ's aim was to bring us to God when we were in Adam. Thomas stresses that our faith should be genuine, or lived out., Reel to reel label reads : "Major Ian Thomas 'God's message to dead men' Cornelius."

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