Philippians 2:1-10, St. Matthias Evening
Ephesians 1:15-2:10, St. Matthias Evening
Jhn 1:1-18, 8pm, Visitor, The Revealing God, Special
Jud 1:1-9, 8pm, Visitor, The Revealing God, Special
2Ti 3:1-17, 8pm, Visitor, The Revealing God, Special
Philippians 1:12-30, St. Matthias Evening
Jensen speaks on the West African revival, and the need for a similar revival in the West. He highlights that it is right for God to be angry with our sin, and explores this in Judges 10. Jensen stresses the need for our repentence in the west.
Romans 3:10-12, St Andrew's Cathedral
Topical, Katoomba 1988 Houseparty, Houseparty