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In Folder: Documents and photographs

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Australian Aborigines Mission: Aborigines hear about Christianity. Symbol: the dove representing the Holy Spirit. Arms: City of London, Bishop Barker, Australian Commonwealth.


Bishop Broughton Centenary (1937) - visiting Bishops include Primates of Ireland, India, New Zealand, Bishop in Jerusalem, also Japanese, Indian, Maori and Chinese bishops. Symbol: Christ as a purifier of silver, a symbol of love. Arms: See of Armagh, Bishop Broughton and Archbishop Mowll.


Pen, ink and watercolour cross-section diagram of the St Andrew's Cathedral Chapter House.


Pen, ink and watercolour diagram of the St Andrew's Cathedral Chapter House.


Pen, ink and watercolour diagram of the St Andrew's Cathedral Chapter House.


The China mission: The Rev James Stewart teaches Chinese students, including C.T. Song, afterwards Bishop. Symbol: the cross with the dragon. Arms: Dublin University, See of West China, University of Sydney.


The Melanesian Mission: Bishop Patteson teaches native boys on Norfolk Island. Symbol: the crown of glory with the five knotted grass spray, symbol of his martyrdom. Arms: Bishop Patteson, Bishop Barry and Eton College.


New Guinea Mission: the pioneers, Maclaren and Copeland King. Dogura Cathedral, built by Papuans is also seen. Symbol: the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. Arms: See of New Guinea, Archbishop Saumarez Smith, Oxford University.


Tanganyika Mission: Bishop Chambers ordains African clergy in Dodoma Cathedral. Symbol: Helmet of salvation with the shield of faith and the Red Cross. Arms: See of Tanganyika, Archbishop Wright, City of Sydney.


The Rev. Richard Johnson conducts the first Service in Australia in the presence of Governor Philip. Symbol: the anchor of hope. Arms: the See of Calcutta, of Jerusalem, of Canterbury.


The Rev Samuel Marsden, the second Chaplain, carries the gospel to the Maoris. Symbol: the cross. Arms: Cambridge University, See of Auckland, Dominion of New Zealand.


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