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In Folder: Chapel talks

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Orr speaks on Isaiah 27. He looks at God's future and present response, to show that this world is filled with disappointment. Orr explores the imagery of a vineyard/garden, to show what life in New Creation will be like, and God's care for us. Orr shows that Christ is the true vine, the one who allows God to say 'I have no wrath'. He explains that life is both groaning, but that we are starting to experience the future through Christ.


Orr speaks on Isaiah 26. He explores Isaiah's instruction to trust in the Lord, and what it looks like to trust in and wait upon the Lord. Orr explores why we find this difficult. Orr examines the imagery of Israel as wicked, and God as both judge and saviour.


Orr speaks on Isaiah 28. He explores the context of the chapter, including the reminder of the fall of Samaria, and the problem that Judah's leaders are falling into. Orr highlights the self-reliance and synisicm of Judah. He shows that the Lord is offerring the very thing that Judah was seeking - the judgement matches the rejection. Orr shows that we can find everything we need in Jesus.


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