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Katoomba Youth Convention 1993

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Stewart speaks on the brokeness and sin of the world from Amos 4. He stresses that God is going to judge, and that he has already warned that this will happen, so we shouldn't be surprised. Stewart shows that we need to return to God. Stewart explores how to respond to suffering., Cassette label reads : "Do you read the signs? Alan Stewart 1993 KYC tape 542"


Katoomba Youth Convention. Cassette from Mary Andrews archives


Stewart speaks on Amos 1-3. He introduces the themes and the historical context of Amos. Stewart looks at the actions and judgement of the nations around Israel and Israel themselves. He explores God's hatred of sin. Stewart explains the problem with universalism., Cassette label reads : "No one misses out Alan Stewart 1993 KYC tape 541"


Stewart expounds Amos 9., Cassette label reads : "On the other side of judgement Alan Stewart 1993 KYC tape 544"


Katoomba Youth Convention. Cassette from Mary Andrews archives


Stewart expounds Amos 5. He shows that our religious actions and standings does not mean that we are being truthful. Stewart stresses that speaking the truth doesn't make us popular. He explains that God doesn't like religion that is fake, especially when we do not live in accordance with his will. Stewart explains what real religion is., Discussion of pornography from 31:15 to 35:26. Cassette label reads : "The car park outside Alan Stewart 1993 KYC tape 543"


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