Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Centre for Christian Living
Payne's first interview as Centre for Christian Living director. He explores the aim of the centre and his plan for the year.
Bolt looks at the strengths and morality and the damaging effects of being a moralist. Bolt examines how the gospels bring change in the human heart, by being in relationship with God through Jesus. He looks at the role of the Word to change both us and tradition. Talk is followed by questions and answers.
Grant looks at disagreeing whilst still treating others with dignity. He examines what marriage is and why this matters. Grant shows that children are not just an after-thought, and explains the Biblical view of marriage. He presents some arguments of why this view is beneficial for all of society. Grant reminds his listeners that the best advertisements for marriage are those who live it out.
Payne looks at the history of the same-sex revolution and it’s relationship to the sexual revolution in the 1960s. Payne considers what sex is and what it is for, and that it is created by God. He explains why other types of sexual sin violates God's design for sex. Payne explains that we are at risk of being conformed by the world, and instead be transformed by the Gospel. He highlights some passages from 1 Peter to assist in living in a hostile world.
Questions following the session on Redefining Marriage.
Bolt explores what Romans has to say about the mind, with the contrasts of the mind set on the Spirit and the mind set on the flesh.
Payne explains the rise of humanism and how this reshaped the conscience. He explores the Bible's understanding of conscience, and how this understanding of conscience shapes Christian living, especially when Christians have differences in conscience. Payne looks at two different types of damaged consciences.